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Cultivated Reef

Test Kit Recommendation


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I need to buy some new test kits and I wanted to know if anyone had a recommendation on ones to get that are easy to read, accurate and do not require an advanced chemistry degree to do the test.


I have used a few different ones in the past and they were either complex or hard to read the color when compared to the charts

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I do not like my Red Sea test kit for ph. The color in the test tube never looks like anything on the card. I do like the Red Sea test for nitrates though. I'll be checking back to see what others recommend.

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Depends on what test you mean


Salifert for Nitrit, Nitrate, Mg, Ca, dKH


For phosphate; Salifert really sucks, get the new Hanna with digital reading, not that expensive

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That digital ph meter does look nice. Too bad there wasnt a digital device to check the most common items we check.


ill check out the others to see what my lfs has locally.

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Seachem phosphate test is great. I used API and couldn't tell if the result was 0 or 0.5. Seachem phosphate test is just as easy as API but much more easy to read. Looks like I have been reading 0 as 0.5 with API.


The API Ph test is terrible because, again, it is difficult to tell what color matches the card.


API is also poor for Nitrates especially if they are very low. The range on the test is too wide for my liking.

So, I am looking for a better nitrate and Ph test.


For Calcium, Nitrites, KH and ammonia, API works well.


I also have the seachem mag test. It works but is a little complicated and if you follow the directions exactly you cant get quite enough water into the final cup.


The seachem Iodide test is difficult to read because it is all in shades of blue so it is difficult to tell exactly which blue you have.

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