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Cultivated Reef

FW Dip Survival Times


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So the best thing about macros is that they do pretty well in FW dips, but how long can they go? Per species...ro vs. tap etc... anyone curious? If so let me know what you think are good test guidelines to follow, (aerated bucket or un-aerated etc..) and we can start getting some times on how long algae can last without dying. I think the differences between species will be major, but only one way to find out.

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That would be awesome john!


I have a planted macro tank that i setup just to sell frags out of and i have seen a few red flatworms on my algaes. The numbers have thinned down alot since having a damsel at one point.


I want to start fragging and selling some macros but dont want to be known as the "reefer who gave my tank flatworms" lol


i always wondered if algaes could survive fw dips.


Let me know how i can help!

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Awesome topic.


Would say to use RO as a standard water. Then one important thing to start off with would also be a minimum time to meet. Other wise it may not be effective. Then it can be judged if the risk in dipping worth while. (Aka don't try putting it in your tank. Or risk the danger of not qt every thing.)

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flatworm exit for you. see if they are the bad kind though. Not all flatworms are bad, just like not all isopods are bad. In a tank that is being sent something though..you are probably best killing all of them. Flatworm exit will work, macros don't deem to mind.



oh I know they go for awhile. Some macros are going to come in at 4-5 days or so Bitts, it will be fun, but I was going to let them run until they die rather than just see if they make it past a minimum time. If I use cuttings and specimen cups I can test more at once, no air though or circulation. Full size specimens would have to be tested in buckets, I could run air through them, but I only have enough avail. floorspace for like 4 or 5 tests at a time. Also, do you think I should test from a few different specimens at once, or as many species at once as possible for the thread. It will take awhile to go through them all,

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Sorry ment more along the line of


Minimum time recomended = X

Maxamum time recomended = Y




As to best way to go about the testing maby a combo. Two samples of each species, but I'm sure that speed would be better for you. I can see this being very time consuming & a lot of work for you.

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Interesting thread, I have wondered this too.

I have FW(tap water actually) dipped graciliara, seagrass, and an unknown red macro for 10mins, no ill effects

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I never even noticed this thread but me and Mark were talking about this a few days ago. I wanted to dip some coming from the ocean and he said it would be fine. Someone else thought they would die being dipped at all. This would be interesting to know.

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ok so i have the specimen cups, I am going to do cuttings of each (this will cause die off faster if anything), because they fit in the cups and that makes things easy. I am going to set them up in a tray fill them with water and take pics tonight and then add them in. One problem I thought of is I have to be present during the hours to monitor them, so late at night works best. I think I will drop them in around 9, monitor to see if there are any losses by 2am or so and then maybe see what goes on until morning. I can only test 20 or so at a time, so while I know it would be best to test some lid on and lid off, should I just go lid off? It would be less messy I think with lid on...


edit - well i just add a chaeto with the lid on to see, and if that isn't alive by tonight I will do lid off for the rest



chaeto showing signs of stress at 6:30 or so pm here, dead at 7:41pm EST so 6 hours is when it will likely start heading downhill fast. It is still green and has some texture now but it is beginning to melt fast. and 60% mushy so I a going to call that dead.


additional edit - sorry this got delayed, I feel bad I fell asleep on it the first time and I have been chicken to post. Still am, I am doing this as an edit. When I get caught up on some things I swear I will get to this,

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  • 2 weeks later...

I ran fresh water over my Halimeda when I first got it. It looked like A LOT of stuff was living in it and it kinda...scared me. Then gave it a normal saltwater dip before adding it into my tank. And its doing fine :D

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  • 2 years later...
Don Quixote

This is an old thread but thought I'd weigh in. I've had certain algae's in 24hrs and lived without further injury.

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