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false perc and clarki together?

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it is possible but not likely that they will get along. i wouldnt do it unless you had a group of both but that tank is too small.

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If you follow the same rules that are advised for bring two ocellaris clowns (false perculas) together, you will most likely do just fine. Ocellaris and Clarkarii are probably the most often cross-bred crown species, and can be easily made to spawn in an aquarium as small as 15gal.

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i say it depends on your luck...i have 22 true perc and a clarkii and all 3 of them stay well together...they share the same seabe anemone and they don't fight at all..they will host on my other corals also like my bubble, my yellow clandilla and my frogspawn...like last night..i saw all three of them sleeping in the seabe anemone together..i wish i had my digi cam so i could take a picture...but oh well...

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