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I am curious about something.


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First, of all I have a 5 month old 10 gallon with 12 lbs of FijiLR, 4 Nassarius Snails, 1 turbo, 1 peppermint shrimp, green star polyps, and a clump of Zoas. I'm running a Skilter 250 (sucks) and a Mini Jet 404 along with a Jager 50W heater and the 24" Coralife Aqualight 65Wx2 power compact.


Here's my question: This Skilter really does blow. I know all about the airstone DIY fixer but I'm seriously sick of messing with it and my patience has run out. Just last night Whitten was over and we were doing a water change and cleaning the wretched Skilter and Whitten's wheel started to turn in his head and he came up with an idea. Is it possible to turn that stupid Skilter into a refugium. I mean, I know it's possible...the real question I guess....Is it sane?


Give me some feedback here people.

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i believe there's a thread in the refugium forum on this. one of the issues/problems is slowing the flow down considerably. any predator-protected environment is by definition a refugium so unless the crabs or fish can climb up the output like salmon, it could theoretically work. not an easy task.


simpler imo to get a cheapo critter keeper and drill/plumb it with a little PH. voila, instant refugium (with a nice view). hth

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I'm turning my skilter into a fuge. I don't plan on keeping anything but Macro and a bit if LR in it, so hopefully the flow won't be a problem.


i'll have to let you know when i actually get the thing set up

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I was thinking tat maybe you coud slow down the flow by putting a peice of plexy glass between the impellar part and the main part (where the reaction chamber used to be). Then take the plexy glass and make overflow vents in the top of it. That way the water comes in; fills the small chamber; then over flows into the main chamber; and finally overflows into the tank.I think that would slow down the flow a whole lot.

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