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Weird Alien ID Needed


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This is the 3rd time I have run across some of these funky critters when moving livestock from one tank to another.

There are 2 in the pic, a larger one on the left and a smaller one on the right.

I believe they are some kind of Flatworm but I really need to know what kind and if they prey on Corals.

It's a long story, but I suspect they may have come in on some old Marshall Island live rock that I have.



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do you have clams?


i had one of those guys nuke a crocea


then cruise around for a year (no idea what it ate after that)

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I do not have clams and I have never had one.

I agree that it looks like a PolyClad, but I don't see how it could be one of the clam eating ones since I've never had them.

I wish I knew what these guys specifically ate.

I just went through about 200 photos of different polyclads without finding this exact one.

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I am currently experimenting with it in a small container with some water and Coral Revive to see if it will kill it.

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I am currently experimenting with it in a small container with some water and Coral Revive to see if it will kill it.

Maybe put a small frag of coral and see if it harms it?

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Better pics:






i saw a thread a while back on these guys eating snails.



You have any idea where you saw the thread, or can you find a link?

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Polyclad flatworm, like everyone else said. Had one in my tank for months and would only see it at night, couple times a month. Really beautiful creatures - I love the way they move. That was, until I came home late one night, flipped on the lights to pass through, and saw it wrapping itself around a snail. I'd been finding occasional shells (from snails that had otherwise been accounted for) and realized I'd caught the killer red-handed.


That said, mine may have been some different subspecies than yours. I think they're stunning, I wish I'd had somewhere else to send it other than the Happy Polyclad Hunting Ground... :(

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Polyclad flatworm, like everyone else said. Had one in my tank for months and would only see it at night, couple times a month. Really beautiful creatures - I love the way they move. That was, until I came home late one night, flipped on the lights to pass through, and saw it wrapping itself around a snail. I'd been finding occasional shells (from snails that had otherwise been accounted for) and realized I'd caught the killer red-handed.


That said, mine may have been some different subspecies than yours. I think they're stunning, I wish I'd had somewhere else to send it other than the Happy Polyclad Hunting Ground... :(


Hmm, interesting, thank you.

And yes, beautiful.

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