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Innovative Marine Aquariums

"jumper fish" and tank maintenance


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My nanocube has been going very smoothly - all of the corals are doing great...good polyp extension on everything - the orange sun polyp puts on a great show every evening - feed it Marine Snow. A reefer friend gave me a small frag of Montipora and that is doing extremely well in the middle of the tank - very velvety looking.


I have just added a Social Fairy Wrasse to my nanocube. He is a cool fish that is adjusting very well. He likes to flit around and flash his colorful fins. In reading about this wrasse it seems he is a jumper. Up to this point I have propped up the tank cover to do maintenance. I am a little leary about this now - don't want the wrasse to bail out on me. I use a mag cleaner, but still need to get into the tank for water changes, etc. Any suggestions?


Thanks, Steve

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evassj4 - according to Scott Michael, the social wrasse grows to 2.9 in. and is quite hardy and no threat to inverts. They can get to be aggressive to other small wrasses and non aggressive fish. I plan on this being my only fish in the nanocube so I wasn't too concerned about that. I hope that the coloration doesn't fade since he will be the only fish. I think he sees his refelection and may think it to be another male - I'm guessing that is why he flashes around like he has. He sleeps in a hole in the rocks - I read that they secrete a mucous web around the opening to the hole for an intrusion alarm. I haven't seen this yet however. I saw the fish at the LFS in Minneapolis. Steve

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