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True Perc & Black Clarkii 4 Sale or Trade..


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I have a 2 True Perc and a Black Clarkii Clowns for sale or trade for Coral Frags... looking for something i don't have already...


True Perc: $7 ea. eating very well, flakes, frozen food, brine shrimps.

Black Clarkii: $5 "


All 3 clowns are really healthy and eating well..and they stay together very well also


I will sell my pruple tip Seabe Anemone also 6" fully opened...the clowns will all share together! ($12 for anemone)


email me: anthony@classiclimo.com


WILL NOT SHIP! sorry....

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now i have too much corals and it looks like the fish are overcrowding my tank..besides..i am starting to hate my Seabe Anemone...i want to get rid of him to get more clams to put on the sandbeds..hahahahaha....I found a place that will sell me Ultra Maxima 1-2" for $27.00!!!


Besides, i believe you have used those money to very good use..you bought 2 40 gallon tanks right?..hehehe


If you still want..i will save those for you...or..if you can find a 18-20L gallon empty glass tank (used or not..i don't care) for me to use as my sump for my new 55 gallon..i will give you the seabe and one clown for it..your choice...heheheeh....


let me know

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