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Heater problems! HELP


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Well here it is... I have a 20g, full of nothing but SW. I have a Marineland heater, 100w and its says its accurate to 1degree. I have the thing cranked up to 86 and have the powerhead blowing on it to make sure that warm water doesn't hang around it to foool it to think the water is warm. I have no thermometer as of yet, but I don't need one to tell me the water isn't 86 degrees or even 78. whats the problem:


1. Heater sucks? I thought Marineland made good products.


2. Is it just that right know there is just too much water for it, and wait till I get some rock to displace some of the water and then there will only be about 10 gallons?


3. Should I just buy 2 50w heaters for each end of my tank?


But even if it is problem 2, you would think the heater would stay on, it doesn't. It shuts off like its at the right temp. But 86 degrees should feel like warm bath water and it doesn't. Around here I have had a hard time finding Ebo-Jager heaters and don't want to MO one. So what are you're suggestions?

Thanks for a speedy reply, Matt

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Do you have lights on the tank? If not, they will add some heat to the water when you turn them on. Also, does the light on the heater turn on showing that it is working to heat the water? If not, the heater might be broken. If it does turn on, perhaps you are right and the lack of lr is leaving the heater with too much water to heat.


More importantly, where do you live? It's 95 degrees here and I wish I had a problem keeping my tank warm enough.

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Originally posted by floppyfish

I have no thermometer as of yet


Go get a thermometer! :P The temperature of my water is 80.8 degrees and when I place my hand in the tank, it doesn't feel that warm... Just go purchase a thermometer and make sure before you go do anything else.

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Both Crakeur & NaNO have good points,

p.s. 100watts is plenty for a 20g. if its working properly, and you shouldn't have to worry about hot spots if you have normal adequate circulation.

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I agree, get a thermometer before you jump to any conclusions.


Remember, that water is fast-moving. Since it is certain to be below body temperature, it's going to feel cool. The faster it moves, the more heat it transfers away from your skin, and the colder it feels.


In other words, 80 degree water standing still feels a lot warmer than 80 degree water being pumped around a 20gal tank at 300GPH.



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per haps U need some more circulation in the tank. also turn on the lights to get an optimim tempature reading. ALSO if U have an ambient air temp that is low, it will cool a tank fast. I wouldnt wory about having EXACTLY 80. many of my tanks run awesome with fluxuations (sorta Like Thermaldynes in the Ocean) and between 72 and 84 is acceptable. remember thet O2 is less concentrated as the temp increases. add some LR inthere to hold heat. a bare tank is NO WAY to measure the accuracy of a heaters potental.???

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Thanks for the help guys. I guess I should get a thermometer. But I have put my hand in my old roomates tank and that was what I was going on for temp. His tank seemed like bathwater. I also heard that the heater will get up to temp after a few on-off cycles so it doesn't burn out, I just started it monday night, and the water was cold when I ro/di it, which would seem right. But we have had 90 degree days all week, today is 86 with 80% humidity and the water seems cold. I just ask cause I'm picking up my LR saturday. So if you guys don't think it'll hurt the LR and the LR will help keep some of the heat, plus take up some of the water volume than I guess I should stop worry'n.

Thanks guys you really helped me out:woot:


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Oh yeah, I have a Marineland Penguin 660 powerhead 170gph in the tank and also thinking of gett'n a Zoo-Med Micropump 30-70gph to throw in for a little extra boost. Or would that be overkill?

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