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ToXIc's Mr.Coral Experience


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just got my package from Mr.Coral


Blackjack pack

Molten Lava Chalice




tha box


was insulated



and tha cold pack.. wasnt that cold though..but the water in the frag bags were a good temp..


large double bag



the blackjack frags were in double bags also and 3ea per bag


everything in a CoralRX dip out of the 22 frags only 2 came loose in shipping


resting peacefully in my $2 walmart CAGE and i needed a cage because of my bad ass clowns



gonna leave the light off until i get home from work..


TIP: if you can guys please ship to your workplace its soo much quicker than waiting on the residential trucks..and your frags will thank you for it..


i will say this though... i've yet to receive an invoice/receipt...

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I'm still worried about the multiple zoanthids frags per bag, can you post pics of how they look now and keep us posted on how they do?

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I'm still worried about the multiple zoanthids frags per bag, can you post pics of how they look now and keep us posted on how they do?


yes i plan to.. i'll get them up when i get home..

the reason for this post is to show case my unbiased experience with Mr.Coral so perspective buyers can decide for themselves instead of reading + or - post..



NOTE: this is my 1st online buying experience of corals and frags..

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Thanks much for posting pics, looking forward to seeing how they do. You should blow off the white fungus on the square one in the last pic, it'll probably smell really bad...

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Thanks for the pics. Keep us posted. Frogpawn looking Hot already!! Now the great debate over how white should the plugs be begins. I would love to hear this. All Frags left in the back for at least 2 weeks before we ship. Actually I see some algae on a few or is that just my screen.

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Zoas are awesome last night i just sat there a watched them turn florescent in color with the moon lights.. even some of the frags that haven't opened yet showed florescence.


also i found out the frogspawn dosent like to be that high in my tank..

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so out of the 21

1 frag opened yesterday but not today

4 frags didnt open at all..




some of the frags that opened were glued to Mt. Zoa





ok and about the glue not holding.. actually although some of you rather stronger glue i like the one they used. I was able to easily remove the frag from the plug and glue them to the rock..

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do you guys realize that he cuts the zoanthid mat on the rock it's attached to, and lets it heal. he then glues the rock to the frag plug! there is no zoa glue contact!!. do you expect him to wait til it grows over that?? look at the picks and see for yourself


dumb faces

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dumb faces




anyways I don't know about anyone else but every time I frag something it goes directly to the plug or rock it will be sold/traded/given away on etc. I don't see how it even remotely makes sense to frag it..

then give it time to heal..

then remove it from the water to glue its rock to a frag plug so you can drop it in a bag.


I am glad that he is having a better experience than some but seriously almost 20% has not opened still




looks like at minimum in this pic there is 2 that have zoa glue contact to me and one of those fell off the plug. I'm not trying to bash anyone and like i said I wish toxic the best of luck with his purchase, but I hardly see how still doing the same things (fresh glue and multiple frags to a bag) become acceptable to people.

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thank you for posting information! I have had wonderful and horrible experiences with mr.coral...def following along.


I'm particularly interested in the dendro I saw you've got...let us know how it goes....will probably takes weeks to determine if it going to live or die.


I've gotten 2 dendros from him and neither lived...but it may just be me

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thank you for posting information! I have had wonderful and horrible experiences with mr.coral...def following along.


I'm particularly interested in the dendro I saw you've got...let us know how it goes....will probably takes weeks to determine if it going to live or die.


I've gotten 2 dendros from him and neither lived...but it may just be me


I got a dendro from him that's still not opening. It looks like it's trying to at times but doesn't fully open. I've had it about 3 weeks. When it tried to open, I will try and feed it a little but I'm not sure it's going to make it. I'll keep you guys updated.

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the scientific name of the coral in the link is "Dendronephthya "


so here's a close up of my D.. sorry about the pics they're from my phone




and here is where i moved it to..


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can you spot the difference?


i cant.. been waiting for a color change but since day 1 there are exactly the same color

and lost 2 more zoas...









did i get 3 of the same Zoas...

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both dendro frags I had from him would open partially, enough to be fed....but wouldn't open often enough to survive.


first of mine died 3 months in...second didn't last 2 weeks, but the second had black/white moldy stuff on the heads



good luck with um all, and again thank you for posting!



I too had big loses on the zoa pack, probably 50% survival that I got from him. Love the mt. zoa rock, looking for something similar myself!


Just saw your recent post:


Yea I thought I got a couple frags of the same stuff from them before too!

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