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Pod Your Reef

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@)L, bakpak skimmer, 1- 106gph maxi, 2x55 PC lighting/ 20w 50/50 actinic. 2" cc, 18 lbs figi/ smith LR


tank contains- true maroon clown, engineer goby, watchman goby, blue chromis, BTA, bangii cardinal, finger leather, mushrroms, daisy polyps, dusters, red open brain, yellow poylps, zooanthiad w/ macro, caulerpa, halimeda, blue legged hermits, astreas,turbos, serpent star and a sand sifter star.


the tank has been up for 5 months, and all i have lost so far was a mandrin goby(i didn't quite know the eating habits until after) and a firefish( watchman wasn't happy with him. will submit a pic soon.

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sounds like it, but it really isn't, i mean, IYO that might be, but that is a temp nano until i get my 20H and 30, they are all cozy right now

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its fine.


as long as skirmishes are nonexistant, and water quality is good. they will be ok. Perhaps NOT the best arangement, but Id need to see a pic to pass final judgement.

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Good job on the decoding Gillman:P


Don't take it the wrong way Agentfive:) , most of the people on this board are only concerned for the welfare of the fish. It's nice to know that you are only doing this as a temporary measure....so which ones are you going to move into another tank? Are the other tanks going to be reef tanks too? Or FO?

I love setting up a new tank! So much fun!!!

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I have a 20 gal regular, with aprx 30lb live rock, no corals, and my fish are a percula clown, yellow tail damsel, six line wrasse, small lemon peel angel, and a mandarin goby, who is eating fine for a year, only because of the rock, I'm told. Should I cut back? They seem healthy and happy. Strangest of all, there is no agression at all from fish who are notoriously territorial... hmmm. Now I'm worried, too. I have a whisper power filter, and UG as well... the tank was started before the UG debate started, and I cant rip it out. I don't want a crash... I've only had the lemon and the wrasse for about two weeks. Any advice?

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I have a 20 gal regular, with aprx 30lb live rock, no corals, and my fish are a percula clown, yellow tail damsel, six line wrasse, small lemon peel angel, and a mandarin goby, who is eating fine for a year, only because of the rock, I'm told. Should I cut back? They seem healthy and happy. Strangest of all, there is no agression at all from fish who are notoriously territorial... hmmm. Now I'm worried, too. I have a whisper power filter, and UG as well... the tank was started before the UG debate started, and I cant rip it out. I don't want a crash... I've only had the lemon and the wrasse for about two weeks. Any advice?

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i just came home and refreshed the page to see if anyone had replied to my post, and somehow it ended up as a double post... i have no idea how... sorry guys! i really didn't mean it! ;-)

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Even though the lemon peel may get too big for your tank (they max out at 4" but they have a deeper body), my bigger concern is the six-line wrasse. Nice fish but it will eat pods too and will compete with your mandarin. It's great that your mandarin is doing so well in your tank and I sure wouldn't want to put that at risk.

You also have a real dilemma with that UG. On the one hand, it's a known detrius trap, yet, it might be helping with the pod population. I just don't know.......

I can tell you one thing I learned from way back when I used to use one (UG) in a freshwater tank. Make your own vacuum by using a long piece of airline tubing and putting about half of it down the uplift tube of the UG. If you submerse the rest of the tubing you won't have to suck on it to get it started, just put your finger over the end, then use the tubing to get some of the gunk from underneath the plate. It won't get it all, but it will get quite a bit. You will have to move the tubing around under there, but you will get the hang of it soon enough.

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thanks! i actually never thought of cleaning out UNDER the UG... great tip! (my fw is UG, too). i'm going to try that with my water change tonite... sunday is my day to do it anyway. i never thought of the wrasse competing with my mandarin for food either... i took the word of my lfs, and got the wrasse because the bristle worms were getting out of hand. i'm going to watch closely for a bit, and if my mandarin looks like he's not finding food, or if the wrasse only eats off of the rock, i'll take him back. goes to show that the lfs won't give you the whole story, ever! at least i know they'll take him back if things aren't going well. thanks again, i'm new here, i just found the site yesterday!

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