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Coral Vue Hydros

Chloramine RO/DI system


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I need to get an RO/DI system. Our water treatment recently changed to chloramines and I need a recommendation for a system. I've read threads on all the different systems and was looking for someone's personal experience using a chloramine specific system. I don't if the process is any different than normal. Also, if anyone know's any current specials, I would appreciate that as well. Thanks

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Did you find this thread in the Spectrapure Forum?




I can't speak from personal experience but know that chloramines have a huge impact on the useful life of the carbon prefilter. There are special carbon blocks available which should be paired with a sediment filter with a lower micron rating than the carbon block to maximise its effective life.


AZDesertRat will be along at some point I'm sure to give a more informed opinion.

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Its just as if not more important to have good DI rather than a special carbon filter for chloramines at normal drinking watrer residuals.

Many will try to sell you catalytic carbons or other carbons but a single good 0.5 or 0.6 micron Chlorine Guzzler type carbon block is all you need for the chlorine portion. Its the ammonia that passes through carbon and RO membranes are only partially effective at that can cause problems. this is where a good full size 20 oz vertical refillable DI comes into play as it removes the ammonia.


What you find a lot of times on the units with the special carbons is the vendor supplies two or more carbons and a high micron nominal rated prefilter which causes the carbon to foul or plug since it is having to act as a secondary prefilter. Carbon is made up of billions of tiny pores which adsorb the contaminants so you must protect the carbon with a prefilter the same size as or smaller than the carbons micron rating so it can do its intended job.


As examples thake a look at the the CSP-DI and MaxCap in this sale flyer here:



Both use 0.5 micron absolute rated prefilters which is much better than a nominal rated filter and 0.5 micron Chlorine Guzzler 20,000 gallon carbon blocks. The CSP-DI then adds a SilicaBuster DI and the MaxCap includes the SilicaBuster plus a MaxCap DI cartridge for greatly extended DI life. Both are great at ammonia removal.

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AZDesertRat, thanks for the detailed info. It looks like the CSPDI will fit the bill, especially the price. I have one question. On their site I noticed DI add on kits, will it be necessary to add a sinlge position or will the CSPDI be sufficient.


DI add-on kits

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The CSP-DI uses the SilicaBuster DI which is very efficient at nitrates which is another form of ammonia. If you wanted to add an additional DI I would add the MaxCap single kit then install the MaxCap cartidge in the original CSP-DI DI housing and the SilicaBuster in the new add on. The MaxCap is designed as a roughing type filter and cannot be used alone or after another DI, it needs to be in the first position.


Really I would not add anything though unless you have the extra $$ now and want to save money in long term operating costs which is what the MaxCap does. I would compare the cost of a new MaxCap system with its two TDS meters to the cost of the CSP-DI and adding the single add on kit first though, it might be less expensive to get the MaxCap? Not sure though as I have not done the comparisons with the sale prices but I do know when I bought my first MaxCap several years ago the list price was like $369 or $389 at the time.

Operationally either system is very effective at chloramines bone stock.

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AZDesertRat, thanks again for the info and the link. I think I will go with the CSP-DI for now and when the funds permit I will add the MaxCap single kit. So I'm clear, this system will be good straight out of the box for chloramines? Also, what life can I expect for the filters? Maybe when its time change filters I will order the single kit.

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Yes, it is good for chloramines as is.

The prefilter and carbon block should be changed every 6 months as with any RO or RO/DIO system. The resin should last at least 30% longer than standard mixed bed resins but you will not know until you use it how long it will exactly last since all water conditions are different. The membrane may go up to 10 years if you keep up with the replacements, use the same high quality replacements and disinfect the system as instructed.

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AZDesertRat, thanks I hope to be placing an order for the CSP-DI system this week. I have couple more questions, is it possible to use this system for drinking water as well. Is there a way to T into the line prior to the DI filter to do this? Do you know what size the waste line size is so I can order the correct flush kit (1/4 or 3/8)? This is more ammo to convince my better half that this purchase has another benefit. Thanks again.

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Yes you can either add a tee between the RO and DI for RO only water or add a drinking watre kit for pressurized RO water such as for a faucet or ice maker which is what I have done.

Don't waste money on flush kits, they have no proven value other than to lighten your wallet. This is why many reputable vendors do not include them as standard equipment. Keep your waste ratio at 4:1 and thats all the flushing you need.

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AZDesertRat, do you have a recommendation to do this as the add-on drinking water kits cost the same as the RO/DI system. Can I use any add-on kit as I found other mfg's with a lower cost. I hope I'm not driving you crazy with all the question, but I really appreciate helping me out with this.

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You can use most any add on drinking water kit. Make sure the kit comes complete with an autoshutoff valve, 1 psi check valve, faucet, pressure tank and all plumbing. Many kits appear less expensive but when you look at the contents they don't contain everything so end up costing about the same. Some use smaller pressure tanks than others too.

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Well, I placed my order tonight for the CSP-DI system. A friend had a drinking water add on from his system that he gave me, so all I had to get was the auto shutoff valve and 1psi check valve. Thanks, for all the help in getting the correct system for my water.

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