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Mr. Microscope

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Mr. Microscope

Hello All,


I walked by my tanks minute ago and saw my nassarius on top of my damsel. Before I knew what was happening my damsel swam away a couple inches and layed on it's side struggling to breath. It has a chunk taken out of bottom! How did this even happen?!! My damsel is never swimming on the bottom!! I am leaving my tank for the weekend. Should I just flush to poor thing and put it out of it's missery, or will it recover? I'm about to nuke my nass. Crap, he's going back for seconds!



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Your Nass is doing it's job - it would never catch or bother a healthy fish.


If you didn't have your cuc the fish would die in the tank and just rot.


Without a pic it's hard tell if it's an injury or if it's sick.

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Hello All,


I walked by my tanks minute ago and saw my nassarius on top of my damsel. Before I knew what was happening my damsel swam away a couple inches and layed on it's side struggling to breath. It has a chunk taken out of bottom! How did this even happen?!! My damsel is never swimming on the bottom!! I am leaving my tank for the weekend. Should I just flush to poor thing and put it out of it's missery, or will it recover? I'm about to nuke my nass. Crap, he's going back for seconds!





Woah thats crazy. Honestly your damsel must be dying for it to get caught by a Nass snail. I would probably not leave it in my tank if i was going away for a weekend because it will likely die while your gone and pollute your system. Especially a 3 gallon.

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Mr. Microscope

It was perfectly healthy today. I don't understand this.


Do you think my nass just got super hungry and decided to go for it? Do you think it will go after any corals? It's a really big snail.

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It was perfectly healthy today. I don't understand this.



In my experience with fish (and birds lol) that by the time they start looking unhealthy they are already close to death.




I dont think your nass will go after anything. The damsel was on its last leg and the nass came after it IMO. You had a clown goby before, which is a slow moving fish. If it was going to attack anything it would have been that, not a damsel which is a high energy aggressive fish.

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It was perfectly healthy today. I don't understand this.

It probably wasn't perfectly healthy. Fish will seem healthy unti lthe absolute last minute. They don't show weakness until they can't help it any more, it is a survival instinct...or so I read somewhere.


EDIT: Nye beat me to it.

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Wait was it swimming with the Nas on it? Not to be weird but I kinda want a pic of that.



Really though, what Pickle said, they can't take down a healthy fish.

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Mr. Microscope

It was eating like a pig just this morning. Is that contradictory or am I just in denial? Sorry, not trying to be confrontational or contradictory here. Just in a panic and confused. I guess I should focus now not so much on the why and more on the what to do now.


If you don't think that my nass will go after corals, then I'll leave it in. I guess I'll let nature take it's course and let the nass feast for a little bit before flushing.


Sad sad sad..sigh..

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Really though, what Pickle said, they can't take down a healthy fish.



Unless it's a :ninja: nass


If you don't think that my nass will go after corals, then I'll leave it in. I guess I'll let nature take it's course and let the nass feast for a little bit before flushing.



Your Nass is reef safe - it's doing what you bought it to do. You're Welcome.

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Mr. Microscope

bah! mother f'er...lost another one




I wish I knew why it all the sudden up and died..er, uh got eaten alive...


I did see it eat a feather duster worm this morning. I thought it was kinda funny. It had the feather part sticking out of it's mouth for a minute before swallowing the whole thing. Perhaps it didn't agree with it.





Well..it officially stopped moving and I just flushed it.

Time for a new banner.

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Mr. Microscope
Wait so you bought and lost another damsel??? Me confuzzled.


No, this was the only damsel. I had a YCG a while ago the jumped out of the tank.


Aweseom avatar BTW. ahaha!

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Are we sure it's a nassarius? There are predatory snails that are shaped like nassarius and have the long tube, but that are generally much larger and can catch healthy fish, though it's a stretch for them to do so. Either way, I'm in agreement that something was probably wrong with the fish to begin with.

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Mr. Microscope
Are we sure it's a nassarius? There are predatory snails that are shaped like nassarius and have the long tube, but that are generally much larger and can catch healthy fish, though it's a stretch for them to do so. Either way, I'm in agreement that something was probably wrong with the fish to begin with.


It does have a really long tube. Like easily 2 inches. Hmm..


Was this in your 3g Pico?


Yeah..my only tank. I knew I was probably pushing it with the damsel, but I've taken everything pretty slow so far with this tank and had my eye on the nitrates (which were fine for the duration of the fish).

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lol...chuck nassarius


HAHAHA!!!! That's awesome...


Anyways, I agree that there might have been something off with the fish... Although I don't think we fully understand the predatory capabilities of nassarius snails sometimes. I'm surely not saying they are blood-thirsty or anything of the sort, but they do feed on small crustaceans and worms quite often and their close relatives feed on much larger, more desirable items (clams etc...).


I actually saw 3 nassarius snails gang up on my peppermint shrimp... It was in the process of molting and they ate it. I would have stopped it but I decided it would be cool to video. The crappy part? I left out the memory card when I took the video!!!! Suck.

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Mr. Microscope
If it makes you feel better, my Nass got mauled and gutted by my Maxi-Mini.



Well, it was worth a try.

Wow. That's crazy. Sorry to hear that.


lol...chuck nassarius

Nice. :lol:

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Y' know, I had a blue damsel do this on me befoar too. Fine one second, look away, look back, he's just floating there, with some snail or hermit on him.

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