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Cultivated Reef

Yuma Score!

Mr. Microscope

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Mr. Microscope

Check this out. I got this at the LFS and they were selling it as live rock! I only paid $20 for it and it is covered in Yumas.


I count 4 big guys (the one in the top left corner was damaged), and 9 babies. The rock is in terrible condition and covered in ickies, but I'm going to give it a scrub later today to try to get some of the algae off of it. I figure I'll give it some love for a couple months and see where it goes. The rock is way too big for my tank, and I'm very hesitant to try to remove any of the Yumas. So, I may sell it later, but I simply couldn't pass it up. Plus, it came with a few bristle worms. :)


Does anyone have any care tips? I have it in moderate to high lighting and moderate flow.

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Cut the yumas just above the foot and put them where they can reatach to something else (like you do regular shroons). Make a bucket tank for the rock/yuma factory they will grow back from the pice you left .

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Nice score!


Dude! Just scrap the yuma's off and put them on your Display rock... Its no biggy! Really

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Mr. Microscope

No glue right? Just tie them on with string, or rubberband, or cover them with a glass or something and they will attach on their own?

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Use a small clear plastic bowl with a lid put rubel or shells in bowl and sink bowl to bottom .the bowl reduces flow and keeps them from blowing around the tank (or bucket) till they reatach.

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Or tickle them so they close up a bit then use a chisel or screwdriver and a hammer to chip our the rock beneath them. Also in my experiences with them they don't really like to be blasted with light. Mine have always bleached like that.

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Or tickle them so they close up a bit then use a chisel or screwdriver and a hammer to chip our the rock beneath them. Also in my experiences with them they don't really like to be blasted with light. Mine have always bleached like that.


Tickle... made me laugh :)


Content: I use a shotglass for shrooms/rics that need to attach, I dunno how big yours are but something similar will work. And glass is clear, so it's not extremely unsightly in the display.

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If you can keep them from moving a few days and you're good. Personally, I've had very mixed luck with getting them to attach. However, since you don't care about the rest of the rock you can chip off a bit of the rock underneath the yuma's and not have to worry about reattaching them.

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Mr. Microscope

So, I bit the bullet and chizzled them all off. One separated from the rock. So, I have it in a beaker along with some rubble for it to attach to. Thanks for your help everyone!

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Just a heads up, I've had a ricordea in a shot glass for about a month now.. it attached to the smallest piece or fubble in there (about the size of 10 grais of sand) and refuses to attach to anything else, so use big pieces :)

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