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Need for cycling after minor rock moves?


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I have a 12G jBJ Nano, and am in the 3rd week of cycling (though used LS and LR from the start). As most beginners, I've made about three or four changes to the rock arrangement which always stirs up the sand, debris, algae, etc.


Does this kind of disruption (on a small or large tank) always require a new or partial cycle? Do I technically start from "day 1" everytime I do this or should everything be back to normal once the water clears (takes about 6-8 hrs.). See pic.


Lastly, I'm planning to move the JBJ Nano from my kitchen to a custom stand I just bought in the living room. I'm thinking I'll drain about 2/3 of water, hold in bucket, move the tank in one piece, then refill with the same water. Should I let it partially cycle or sit for a few weeks again before adding inverts or coral?


BTW--After each rock move, the existing rock life (tiny snails, baby stars, etc.) seems to survive okay and continues as usual, though I haven't done water tests yet.


Thanks for any advice.



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I moved rock around at least three times. No problem. Just test your water. If you have 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite and nitrates under 10 you're good to go, but go slowwww. When you think you're ready (params OK) then wait one more week and buy a shrimp (peppermint or cleaner). They're pretty sensitive to water quality. If it thrives after a week, you can add a fish. I only add 1 fish at a time and wait at least another week or two, before adding another.

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