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Mkizz's Bc29!


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Hey guys, I been hanging out on this forum for almost a year now and decided to upload my tank pictures, hope you enjoy them!


Tank was born in 7/22/2009

*No pictures :(*















My Coral beauty angelfish. I still find this one the best compared to the ones I see in LFS. Really strong color in my opinion.



View from right side, which is the main view, since the tank is facing weird direction haha..



2nd side view.






no clue what the green stuffs are.



New Frogspawn I bought for $20 yesterday from a local guy






Full Tank Shot from the left view *since thats my main view*



Added new coral yesterday! Brainnn coral lol.

How does it look? Healthy? Weak? I cant tell if they are healthy or not lol



That bottom part of brain coral, theres skeleton there..should I be worried about this?



Another better pic of full Brain Coral shot!






And my bigger clownfish



And my smaller clownfish



My 6line Wrase I recently added right after Brain Coral my final fish



My good ol' Coral Beauty Dwarf Angelfish. Still doing excellent.

Staring at his poop right after he went #2



My Galaxia Coral, one side doing healthy, one side doing terrible. Any suggestion?

Basically other side isnt getting the light and its pretty much dying



Yes this is the free green button polyp and waving hand anthelia that was pretty much dying and got it for free, but look how it looks!



My Kenya tree, 3 weeks ago it was like 1 inch tiny frag, now its like gigantic! lol



Something Zoa, I dont know the name help would be appreciated. Picked it up from local guy not too long ago for 15 bucks, good deal? Yes? No? Maybe so?



Frogspawn, Always goes in to smaller mode at 6pm I have no idea why, then it opens up like huge next day, its been doing this for like since I got him. Any idea why?



My one random harmit crab that happend to be by



Front tank shot..yeah I know termometer fell lol I think I spelt that wrong



This is my main tank shot from the right




Tomorrow I'll be getting my 453nm full ecoxotic panaroma led module, I ll post pic once I get it, get ready for more blueness lol, its only 1 strip

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looks good. be sweet go get that mountain of a rock covered in different colored zoas.


keep the update photos coming.

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I just got in my panaroma module, but hell I cant find a place to install it. I saw some other set up, and they have it on the feeding front hood of biocube 29. Now I dont have a drill and planning on going to home depot, do you think they are gonna charge to just drill 2 holes in the hood?

Do they even do it? lol





Just trying to have it like that

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My tank..is..completed for now. woo! its so sexy now lol here is my step by step~~


Ecoxotic Package has arrived 9:41am



The actual Ecoxotic LED panaroma stip was burried in deep!



Well here it is! power supply, panaroma LED strip *woo!* Manual, and some screws.



Very very bright! even though it dosnt look bright, but trust me it hurts your eye!



Testing the LED light with all the light off in the living room completley dark.



Test Subject #2 my dog lol, he happend to be near by when I was testing the brightness.



Should I put it here? may seem like good idea, but it did not fit, and between the PC did not fit also + the heats will MESS up your Panaroma LED! so careful!



Ah! so this seems like a good and only place that will fit withought having to get rid of PC bulbs



*missing pictures and the process*


I went to home depot, lowes, orchard supply all wouldnt drill the hole on my hood, so I went to LFS. They did it for 10 bucks, I still feel like ripped off but oh well, it was the only choice I had -shrugs-


I went home, the screws I had did fit into the hole that was drilled from LFS on my biocube stock hood, but as you may have guessed the screw kept falling off because there was no support, so I went to home depot to go look for some bolts.




I came home, tried to fit the bolt into the hole that was on my hood, but no luck the bolt was slightly fatter then the hole lol


So I got a screw driver and twisted left and right after placing it on the hole, making the hole a bit bigger, eventually finally the damn bolt got in woo! felt so good

(here is the top view of my hood)



My bottom/inside of my hood where my Panaroma LED rests.


*Make sure its completley secured!!!!*


And time for (No LED) and (Yes LED) shots!


(No LED / Front)



(Yes LED / Front)



(No LED / Left)



(Yes LED / Left)




Overall: Yes it does make your tank more blue! does it support sps or clam? I dont know ecoxotic says so, but Im going to try with a clam first, maybe maxima. We'll see


Shimmering? Yes you can see shimmering but not as strong as MH, but its still much more then I expected

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My good ol' Coral Beauty Dwarf Angelfish. Still doing excellent.

Staring at his poop right after he went #2




I don't know if its because its late and my arse should be in bed, but I find this hilarious.


Also, your tank and new LED fixture looks great! :)

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haha thanks, yeah that coral beauty always checks on his poop after his business just like humans lol..and yeah the LED is awesome! huge improvement alot more shimmers then I expected! and very nice coloring as well

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New Squamosa clam!


Front view with harmit crab attached on the right side




On the side of the tank



What do you guys think? Is he fully opened by the way?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ricordea sounds like good idea, I want that big rock where Galaxia rest on, to have some colorful corals on there. The clam is doing very nice also, his mantle is more out then the picture. Not sure if thats a good sign for squamosa, but I think his doing great. :)

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  • 4 months later...

Sorry guys, I have been busy from aug 11th till now with school, finals, christmas, new year partying, and now I finally found some time to start working on my tank again.



Heres my first ever youtube video..sorry I was speaking so stumbly I was nervous and did not know what to talk about haha, and just made it up as I went..next time will be better.


Anyway enjoy for now :)

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  • 1 month later...

What ever happened to your clam? Did the LED not give it enough light? I am going to be getting a bc14 was wondering about a supplemental led strip to mount in my hood as well, assuming it would do any good.

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  • 2 weeks later...

ya the clam didnt make it sadly, and my galaxy coral fell due to cuc to top of my brain coral and it eventually didnt make it from the injury. I guess i need a better LED light, so Im looking into a better light set up, sorry for slow response, I been very busy latley


either bad lighting, which i been told it was enough by ecoxotic atleast for derasa.

Or high chance of probabilty from Pyramid snail, I did my best to get rid of pyramid snail, but I guess it was still not enough :(

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Probably because of the lights/LEDs causing him to look shiny... I too have a lubbocks wrasse, there great fish... By the way sweet looking cube lol

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