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What is the best all in one unit for a nano?


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this should be a good debate. What is the best all in one unit for an add water and run Nano Reef. As few modifications as humanly possible. I vote for the Uniquarium. The unit with the best stock lighting and filtration, between 6 and 30 gallons. Lets hear it!!!! The best "overall stock unit"

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Alife is pretty good...i think it has 7 gallon and 15 gallon...but recent;y i saw a new brand...its with silver top but the filtration is a drip down system from the back of the hood like an Eclips...but yet..it has a built in PC lighting system...it comes in 7, 18 cube, 26 cube...and its much cheaper than the Alife systems

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Hey anthony!


who makes the new all-in-one tanks?


I love my alife, though I intend to purchase one of Chris' 15 gal refugium models in a few months, just as soon as I move.

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I'm gonna have to go with My Alife 7 tank seeing how I own one. :) Just add water, rocks and sand and you're ready to go! :woot:

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nano neophyte

I'm going to say that Chris' nano with refugium is an excellent product. It comes hand made with quality lighting and exemplary customer service and support.

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I like Clarity Plus' IFS desktop aquariums.... they seem a little bit cheaper than the Uniquarium but they come with the same features.

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although i haven't used any i would say Chris's models. they are quality built and they are glass which is a plus IMO.


where did you guys find that 18gal cube and 26cube??


personally i am thinking of trying to build my own next time...just to see what happens. prolly glass and trim it in wood....prolly will just end up buying one :D



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without a doubt: Mr. Marks' tanks (w/ refugium).


Just add water/LR/LS/and heater and you are good to go............




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