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Kdino's 20L Contest Tank of Awesomness


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hey guys so its official im joining AM's contest. this will be my first foray into contest land and itll be a fun one. ok so to start off here is my first dry FTS




Equipment (as of now):

-20L non-drilled all glass tank

-aquatic life 115 skimmer

-vortech mp10

-fishneedit 24" 4 bar T5HO at 96watts with 3ati blue plus and 1 fiji purple

-Marineland stealth pro 50W heater


future plans both stocking and otherwise:

-maxi minis

-mini minis

-sexy shrimp

-aquacultured SPS(both new and fragged from main tank)

-awesome palys and zoas


current inhabitants

-a pair of firefish

zoanthids and palythoas

-king midas

-potential purple hornet colony

-purple deaths


-pink panthers

-fire and ice

-gold spekled

-red skirts w/ black centers

-blues palys


-purple cap

-red cap

-monti. setosa

-green digi

-green and purple pocilipora

-monti. spongodes

-sunset monti

-red encrusting monti w/ red polyps

-green slimer

-Tyree undata


-hollywood stunner chalice

-purple tipped frogspawn

-meteor shower cyphestrea


-tyree toadstool

-green ricordea florida

-rainbow ricordea florida

-green and purple ricordea yuma








FTS 2 August 30th 2010



FTS 3 september 22nd 2010



FTS4 October 30th 2010



FTS 5 November 30th 2010



FTS 6 December 31st 2010



Happy New Year Everyone

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ok so today was a busy day...finally got around to setting up my ro system that i won in a raffle at a frag swap in may. so made some water, pretty quickly about 22 gallons in abour 2-3 hours. come to think of it, thats pretty quick i hope i wans't collecting the waste water and wasting the good water....hmmm might have to double check my tubage.


anyway back to the contest tank so made some water for it, did some painting, epoxied rocks(did that over the weekend) and filled it all up. my tank is officially wet!!!!


ok so on to some pics

rocks were dried out previously live fiji rock


some pre scaping with some epoxy


getting all ready for paint



and now on to the good stuff

here it is all wet and with the rocks in place


i decided to go with 2 islands cause i like the open space on the sand and the overall look of the tank. much better than a random pile if rocks IMO


here is the left island, the main piece in the center was epoxied to create a base, its got a little cave or 2 and some good spots for some corals



and here is the right island with a few jut outs and overhangs



and there ya have it, i will be adding some more sand within the next upcoming days. tank of awesomness is off and running

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thankfully there is nothing live in it yet all dead rock and sand....i did however waste salt :rant:


basicially this was a leak test hahaha

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ok so filling it back up with real Ro water tonight and not waste water hahaha. i also added some more sand and some crushed gravel to diversify the look of the sand bed a little bit and give a more natural feel/look to it.


pics to come when i get home

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Following!!!! lol


Your Scape Is Awesomeness!! I have to admit i'm terribly bad at creating aquascapes...The right side looks like a sunken boat's bow coming out of the seabed...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Following along! I love the look of the 20L if i had the space i would be getting one, maybe once we move!


Love the 2 island look as well!

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  • 4 weeks later...

latest update new FTS, tank still void of inhabs except for some various pods, a feather duster, and a few snails. ill be moving over some corals soon. like sometime this week so look for some more pics to come shortly


in the mean time here is the latest fts


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I still can't get over that awesome scape. Lookin Good!



thanks man i appreciate it, cant wait to get some corals in and see how it shapes up

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so far i love the light, ill be putting in an order for for better bulbs tho. the stock ones do the job so far but i want some more blue. ill be picking up 2 blue+ an aqua blue special and a Fiji purple. pretty popular combo so i figured id give it a go. plus i saw some par numbers and they look great


ok so ive actually had a few people ask me about mounting the light so ill post the pics on here for all to see.




so i had 2 of these rails laying around work, they were flat so i bent them in a vice to match the OD of the tank. a little bit of double sided foam tape on the bottom of the legs helps with vibration of the light.

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  • 4 weeks later...

new FTS



will update list of inhabs and put up some more pics of them a little later


lots of zoas, a tyree green toadstool, and a hollywood stunner chalice to name a few

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  • 1 month later...

i know you all are waiting with bated breath to find out whats new for this tank hahaha but just wanted to give a quick update, pics to come later this weekend. moved the front big purple rock to the back, it looks awesome, rearranged some corals, added 2 firefish and a bunch of new corals.

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october FTS


updated my lighting now using 3 ati blue plus and one fiji purple. little tough to get pics of the tank now but in person it looks amazing


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