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Cultivated Reef

Patience Is A Virtue!


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Heya Guys! Just wondering how long you all waited before you introduced your first live stock. Tank has been cycled for a week so far, readings are as follows:


Ammonia: 0

Nitrite: 0

Nitrate: 0

PH: 8.2

SG: 1.023

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Let's see...I started it up June 6th...didn't get my first until September...so I waited at least 3 months...I always stress patience...I add fish slowly as well...about 1 per month. I still only have 4 fish though. it's a 37, but I eventually plan on having just aorund 7 fish. If in doubt, just wait. It never hurts. But being hasty can.

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Yeah thanks guys was just confirming what I already had in my head!


All the readings have spiked etc, just got to wait for tank to settle down now!

(Live Rock was cured)


Cheerz ;)

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3 week point > cycle ended

4 week point > cleaner crew

6 week point > green star polyp

8 week point > shroom

12 week point > xenia, hammer, zoo's (small frags from friend)


I am at the 15 week point now, and I am thinking about a cleaner shrimp. I am really hesitant about even putting a fish in there... but I am also tired of hearing my wife ask why there is no fish in an aquarium.... I think I am probably middle of the road on this, not too hasty, nor overly patient.

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Please slap my round the face if Ive got confused somewhere but I was always lead to believe that corals are more delicate than fish? e.g. Clowns.


Have I got my wires mixed somewhere?


Also my cycled finished on the 16th Jan (At least to the point where ammonia spiked, then nitrite and then nitrate and all have come back down to 0) should I expect any of these levels rise up again?



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yes corals are more sensative than fish most of the time but also put a much lower bioload therefor allowing the tank not to just cycle but to become better established without putting a big swing on the biolad


just make a plan now of what you want tell us and we can help decided what order may benefit you most


lr ls cycle wait 30 days

clean up crew snails (and hermits?) wait 15days

tank some corals that do well under your light wait 30 days

fish (not too many) i recomend 1 only maybe 2wait 30 days

corals and and mabe shrimp and just take things slow if you do so you'll have a higher chance of success

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Hmm...es muy interesante...I waited until my tank was established well over 6 months to add my first corals, and I added my first before those...I don't think my method was wrong, it just may be different than what others prefer. But, I did get a new Hammer today! Whopeee!

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Hey guys


Really appreciate all this help, been researching for over a year but theres always little things you miss!


I've got 110W of T5 Lighting over the tank, im not fussed about keeping SPS corals at this point in time but am interested in keeping softies and lps


With the correct flow and this lighting set up will they do well?


Tank is 18 Inches deep.

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