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Cultivated Reef

Buying a Nano Cube


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Wow, I finally got another family member hooked :happy:! My sister wants to set up a nano-tank, and she (actually more like I) is interested in the JBJ 12 gallon Nano-cube. The tank incorporates a built in hood with PC lighting, circulation, and a wet-dry filter. So, I have a few quick questions:


1.) I do not run a wet/dry, nor do I know very much about that form of filtration. Can anyone tell me the benefits, disadvantages, or any experiences with wet/dry filters on a reef tank?


2.) The setup does not have a skimmer, nor is there any space. I know this is a very debateable topic, but would that be a problem? Would a wetdry be enough for filtration (along with waterchanges)?


3.) Does anyone have a Nano Cube? Do you like it and its components? Pics of your tank would be greatly appreciated!


Here is a link for the tank:






PS to all who know about TBS liverock: I've already convinced her to get the "package"

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Well I'm not a professional or anything so I don't know exactely what the benefits of wet/dry filtration but I do know that with the nano cube its not going to give you the "WET/DRY filtration" that it says it has.... there is no dry part about it... In fact most people just take everything out of the back and put live rock back there....For Natural Biological filtration. I use everything that the tank comes with except the biobalss...I took them out. But as far as the tank being effiecient I'm not really sure.

I've had it set up for about a month now... cycling and The light has already blown out! It's starting to get annoying.... I'm not saying the the Nano Cube is horrible..... But maybe you should let others tell you about there experiences before you decide...


I just know that I started out LOVING! the nano cube.... now I'm just kinda like eeehhh about it..because slowly I'm learning about all its flaws...You need more circulation than it provides also....

HTH ~Megan

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I was thinking about the cube myself, but with all the limitations that I have heard about it I have decided to just get a 10 gal and add the equipment. I have talked to an LFS and they said that they can even order a refugium for the 10 gal tank.

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i dont like those via aquas, they seem too tall and skinny. I'm getting a cube as a second tank soon. I'll probably just rip whatever is in the back out and add an extra powerhead, no biggie

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Nano cube with LPS and softies.

I removed all the bio media and added LR in the back area. Installed my titanium heater, and put in some chaeto too.


Once in awhile I'll add the carbon back in to get that crystal clear look and take it out after a couple of days.


I also added a rio 90 powerhead on the left side of the tank for cross circulation (stock pump just flows the water round and round) and pointed it a bit upwards to break up the surface tension.


I couldn't be happier with mine. In fact I bought a second one.

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Originally posted by nanocat

I removed all the bio media and added LR in the back area. Installed my titanium heater, and put in some chaeto too.


Would you mind sharing info on your setup?


1) did you remove the partitions in the back or just put small pieces of rock in?


2) how many chambers got rock?


3) can you give me more info on "chaeto" I am a newbie and this term is foreign to me.


4) any sand in the back?




Paul P

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Hi, I left the chambers. In chamber 1 there is the pump, in the next chamber I put my heater, in the next chunks of live rock, in the last chunks of live rock, and macro algea (chaeto).


The macro algea needs some light to grow. I'm sure it gets some spill over, but not much back there. So after 3 days, I take it out an tuck it in the front display area so it gets some light and the copepods fly around the tank. Then after about 5 days, I put it back in the rear. I don't really want chaeto taking over my tank. I imagine it helps some with nutrient export, but mostly it's just a good area for the pods. Once I felt I had the tank stabilized and all the bacteria going right, I added a small bag of purigen in the last compartment too.

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