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Natural Light Frag Tank?


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is it even possible will corals grow with a naturally lit tank in front of a window that gets direct sunlight?


ive seen some on RC that people had in an open op outdoor garage thing, but this would be inside...

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I am pretty sure you have to build a skylight contraption that reflects as much sunlight as possible. Highly doubt you can just put it in the window since the window's glass is going to reflect some of the usable light away maybe? Not sure, but the naturally lit tanks look really brown and yellowish IMO. But it would be a really cool idea with some actinic supplementation.

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Greenhouse would be better. You would still need to supplement lighting............


Remember you would lose color of the corals.

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Mike Maddox

Direct sunlight = the best lighting there is, if it's actually direct. Measure the PAR, and if it's sufficient, you're good to go!

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

To use a window you'd need reflective material and probably a light-multiplying lens, read: expensive. You could do it with a solar tube, but that would also be pretty expensive.


Good luck though!

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natural light for a frag tank could be really cool. set up a few tanks with powerheads and heaters and when the frags are ready to be sold, just toss them in your display tank with 20k metal halides or a blue t5 combo to regain the colors of the corals.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...
is it even possible will corals grow with a naturally lit tank in front of a window that gets direct sunlight?


Doubtful. Direction and intensity of light aren't likely what's needed. In the ocean, the sun is overhead for most of the day. In a window, a few hours at most.



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+1 Jeff.... Just got back from Turks & Caicos in the carribean with a beautiful barrier reef and the sun is BRUTAL out there. it's directly overhead pretty much year round and has near the same intensity year round. When you walk outside regardless of how many lights are on indoors, your eyes have to squint to see it's so bright.

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