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Help me pick out my next coral


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:) Hey i like this poll thing. what does everyone think about these four corals. i already have all of the livestock listed below and will place this coral on the bottom of my tank, considering the space factor.
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there's a chance of problems for bubble corals and hammers in a 12g tank. The both have sweeper tentacles that will kill surrounding corals so it might be a bad choice. If you go for the sun coral, it will require feeding almost everynight since it is non photosynthetic.


I vote for sun coral though :)

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Hammers a neat. They don't ususally get too big of sweepers. Bubble on the other hand is a real beast. :P


I really can't say much though, I actually keep galaxia. Muahah That stuff has some monster sweepers!


I actually had to mount it to the side of a rock over an open area and put a pump on that that blows the sweepers away from everthing. If that pump fails, only God can help the other critters and that whole side of the tank, cause they are GOING DOWN!

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I voted for bubble corals, from what I understand they are easy to maintain and quite lovely to look at, particularily the green ones. Watch out for sweeper tenticles, though.

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i say candy. least aggressive, grows well, multiplies easy to trade frags.


bubble and hammer have sweeper issues and a sun would have to be fed DAILY!



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Originally posted by NanoReefer53

there's a problem for bubble corals and hammers in a 12g tank. The both have VERY LONG sweeper tentacles that will kill surrounding corals so it might be a bad choice.  



Since U are limited on space, your frogspawn will grow and cover most of the tank when it expands. U might want to think about some Polyps and zoanthids.... to fill in the blanks. dont crowd a small tank. Make ONE coral the focus of the tank, and work around it.X)

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I would take Daves advice, but if you do still want another coral, go for a candy coral. They are very nice IMO and dont bother other corals. Easy/hardy coral.


And yes, like already said, can be fragged quite easily and sold at LFS for credit etc.

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Haha, you guys are to late... I already helped Willy pick out his next coral at the LFS earlier today... :P

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He was about to get the candy cane coral but decided to wait and got something else instead. I'll let him tell you guys what he got. :happy:

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well guys and gals, after having surveyed the aqautic warehouse for a while i took in consideration that my frogspawn had a tragic accident last night when my pump slid down 3 inches and blew the poor guy to bits. i think he's dead. there are little flouresent green pieces on the substrate. there might be a chance for survival but its highly unlikely, so i'll wait a couple days to see if he recovers. So in the mean time i figured i would wait to put something up high and purcahsed a White Plate Coral. He looks pretty good with thoes thick white tenticles blowing in the current.

So the winner of the Poll is The CandyCane Coral which i will buy next week if there are any fine specimens at my LFS. Thanks for the help yall. WW

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DUDE..... Plate corals SUCK ESPICALY LONG TENTICLES.... you shoulda researched it. and FOR THE LOVE OF YER TANK siphon out the dead tissues. yer tank is running a foul.......



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yeah i actually noticed my plate coral tonight extending farther than i thought it would. it almost doubled in size! thank goodness its tenticles are only a half inch long and its positioned in a culdisac away from everything else in the bottom of my tank. so far a great purchase i love the way they look.

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