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Top Shelf Aquatics

pH- Alk dosing question?


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Hello all,


I have question before I begin adding CA, Alk, and Mg. My readings are as follows:


Ca 400

kH 3.8meq/L

Mg 1125

pH 7.8-8.0


My corals have stopped growing and are beginning to degrade; so I want to dial my essential elements in. I have the BRS recipe 1 and I am ready to dose. I am confused as to why my kH would be high and my pH at around 7.9? Is this possible or a common problem?


I have used Bulk Reef Supplies reef calculator. It does not calculate or provide dosage recommendations if kH is high. My chemistry knowledge is minimal and I am a rookie when it comes to dosing.


Thanks for any input or advice.



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Im currently having the same problems. measured my fresh ro/di before mixing and saltwater b4 waterchange and it was low. salt mix must be culprit in my case. i am currently using seachem buffer and hoping this helps.

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