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Suggestions before I dig in and possibly do more damage?


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My stepson shut off my ac over the weekend and the temps were in the 90s. I have a 28 gallon hqi nano and today my huge clump of bubble algae was dead. My 2 anemones look horrible. My temps are stable, but now my nitrates read 18ppm. 0 nitrites and ammonia.

Should I do a huge water change, or smaller ones over a couple of days. I could also use saltwater from a 40 gallon I've had going for a while that only has live rock in it. It doesn't have great lighting since I was just going to use it for a mantis shrimp at some point, so I can't just toss the anemones in there.

Any feedback would be great!!!

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My stepson shut off my ac over the weekend and the temps were in the 90s. I have a 28 gallon hqi nano and today my huge clump of bubble algae was dead. My 2 anemones look horrible. My temps are stable, but now my nitrates read 18ppm. 0 nitrites and ammonia.

Should I do a huge water change, or smaller ones over a couple of days. I could also use saltwater from a 40 gallon I've had going for a while that only has live rock in it. It doesn't have great lighting since I was just going to use it for a mantis shrimp at some point, so I can't just toss the anemones in there.

Any feedback would be great!!!


Your Nitrates arent to bad... I would still do a 25% WC just to thin out any other nasties that were put off.


A big water change wouldnt hurt a thing anyway... I've done 50% WC after strirring up my sand rescaping before...

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Do the large water change. I'd be worried about your 2 anemones, a dying anemone will crash a tank, so make sure you keep a close eye on them if you plan on keeping them in the tank. Run new carbon in your tank to absorb the chemical warfare going on in your tank right now.


Prepare more saltwater should you need to do additional water changes.

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