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Innovative Marine Aquariums

What is the photo period for benificial algae


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I have a ac300 and instead of media I put calepra algae in there. I got one of those clip on lights from home depot for 10 dollars. It uses a 25watt light bulb. I am wondering how long does this light have to stay on. I did no modifications to my ac300 just added the algae plus some more clean up crew cause I had an bad algae bloom. here are pics:-*

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I'd either run it 24x7 or on a reverse photoperiod from the lights on your tank. Both will greatly help your tank by not allow a PH swing when the lights go out.


I'd also swap the light for a 13W powercompact bookworm ($20) or a 2x13W powercompact assembly ($25) at Lowes as they are more water resistant and can layed directly across the top as well as having a better Kelvin rating (6500k) as the bulb you have will cause more nuisance algae then macroalgae growth.

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There is a 10W Coralife PC that screws into it that costs $10 online and $15 at local fish stores. IMO you're better off dropping $20 or $25 on the fixtures mentioned above and using the current one as a desk light.

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I don't know! I've been reading over at RC, alot of people light their fuges with 2500K (incandescent/halogen/gro-lux) bulbs and see much better macro growth.

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i moded out my ac500, what do ppl do about the light getting into their reefs from th efuge lamp. No matter what I do i still get alot of light in my tank. Suggestions appreciated.


Thanks for your time,


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