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Coral Vue Hydros

problem cycling


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So, I have a 20g long that I’ve set up a few weeks ago. I started cycling it with ammonia; I did this the same way with my 10g that I set up in January.


The ammonia spiked, than the nitrites spiked, than the nitrites and fell off a bit and I began to get readings of nitrates.


This is exactly how my 10g went, so I was like YAY all done. I did a 50% water change, tested the water and my nitrites are back, very high. What did I do wrong? Did I interrupt the cycle and am now going to have to let it recycle?


sorry if this is noobish.. but im puzzled

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So, I have a 20g long that I’ve set up a few weeks ago. I started cycling it with ammonia; I did this the same way with my 10g that I set up in January.


The ammonia spiked, than the nitrites spiked, than the nitrates and fell off a bit and I began to get readings of nitrates.


This is exactly how my 10g went, so I was like YAY all done. I did a 50% water change, tested the water and my nitrites are back, very high. What did I do wrong? Did I interrupt the cycle and am now going to have to let it recycle?


sorry if this is noobish.. but im puzzled


First, I'm no expert, but how much live rock and/or live sand did you use?


I'm confused about your progression: I think that you should see spikes in first in



eventually the nitrites will be converted to nitrogen and disappear (I see bubbles in my sand). the nitrites are more toxic than the nitrates.


I don't know if you did anything wrong or if you just don't have enough of the bacteria to convert the nitrites to nitrogen yet.


give it some more time. it can take awhile to get the correct ratio of bacteria to keep all the toxins in check. by starting with ammonia instead of normal detritus, you may have pushed the relative ratios of bacteria to one end of the spectrum.


good luck

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sorry, i should have added that.. its BB and i have abouat 10 pounds of rock between pieces on the bottom and rubble in the filter.


Im wondering if this is the reason? I originally thought that it wouldnt be enough live rock, but was informed by quite a few ppl that since i wont really have any live stock for a large bioload it would be acceptable.


Should i get some more rock?


EDIT: sorry figured i add more on my filtration.


Ive got 2 large HOB filters, each 2 compartments. Of the 4 2 are filled with live rock, one has cheato and a light above it and the other has some GFO in a bag, activated carbon in a bag, and some filter floss on top.

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I'm confused about your progression: I think that you should see spikes in first in



Close...but it's ammonia -->TRITES-->TRATES


No big deal.


OP - when you say you started your cycle with ammonia, what do you mean?

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cylcing with pure ammonia as your ammonia source, which is the same thing that the fish would eventually produce in waste if they were added to the tank to help cycle it.


You just add very tiny amounts, a few drops until you get the ammonia levels to spike, then cut back on the ammonia you add daily until if finishes the cycle.

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cheryl jordan

No ammonia please, it is not needed to cycle a tank and will not give you an accurate picture of a true cycle.




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No ammonia please, it is not needed to cycle a tank and will not give you an accurate picture of a true cycle.






+1 cheryl is right on course. No ammonia. The die-off on your rock (inevitable) will start the cycle naturally and in a way more balanced that supplementing the waste chemistry.


It may have worked for you before but I'd chalk that up more to luck than anything else.


What I'd do:


Get the LR out of your HOBs. It will cause problems down the line if it isn't already. You could stand to add more rock to your tank, certainly. It will have a marginal effect on prolonging your cycle, especially since you're having a chemical imbalance now anyway.


Do another WC and wait a week. Then test, then add your stock as your normally would.


Sounds like you've got a nice setup and cool project coming together!


Good luck HOMIE

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