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Raising pH-What rate is acceptable?


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I'm looking to raise my pH to 8.3 using the seachem reef buffer powder. The pH is currently sitting at about 7.7 and has been that way for as long as I can remember. At what rate should I increase the pH to get to the desired 8.3? I have corals (mostly softies), fish (pair of clowns), and various inverts.

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Are you sure the reading is accurate? What does the livestock look like?

Any trouble keeping certain animals alive?

I used to worry over the ph too and while this was going on I read more than one post about pple killing livestock by adding supplements to get the ph stable.

The articles about calcium, alk and magnesium in a round about way say not to worry with ph (along with sufficient surface movement to allow water/air gas exchange.

If these parameters are all in order the ph will stay stable enough for most all critters we can get to put in our tanks.

I pulled the plug on my ph controller/monitor many months ago and have not worried once since.

I make sure that calcium. magnesium and alk are all within acceptable range and my corals grow, look healthy along with fish and crustaceans.

Just some food for thought.

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Thanks for the reply.


I get very little growth from my corals, if any, however that's probably due mostly to my lighting. Everything seems healthy other than that.


However, my attempt now to raise the pH is to combat the dyno bloom that I'm having.

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Thanks for the reply.


I get very little growth from my corals, if any, however that's probably due mostly to my lighting. Everything seems healthy other than that.


However, my attempt now to raise the pH is to combat the dyno bloom that I'm having.


There are probably better ways to get rid of dinos, if that's truly what it is. You may want to go lights + completely black cover for 3-4 days. You should look into other methods besides just raising your pH.


pH should be an indication of health, not something you are setting artificially to declare it's healthy.

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