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wierd vein thing on glass


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there is this wierd red vein thing growing on the front glass. it's just a red line that branches off in a couple of spots. it has grown from about 2 mili meters to 1.25 inches. what it be?

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Yea I have those too...do yours move because mine do over a course of time...I also I have an orange one and a black one on my rock ??? I have no idea what they are though

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I used to have clear vein-like strands growing on the glass of my sump. I finally noticed little sacs interspersed along the strands and surmised that they were some bizarre type of ascidian (sea-squirt), midway between the solitary and colonial form.


It's probably a stretch, but do you notice similar sacs on your veiny things (cripes -- this is beginning to sound obscene!)



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Originally posted by joshnemily

someone beg, borrow, or steal a camera and take a damn pic. :)


That's what I'm saying! Same goes for the people who start a thread and but don't post pics in the members tank forum... for the love of the hobby, go steal a camera and post pics! :woot:

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Since I have no access to a digital camera or a scanner at this moment I have taken my time to draw a detailed picture of what my "veiny thing" looks like via paint :P ...nah but seriously that's what the thing looks like on my tank. I've never witnessed the red one on my tank moving however the orange and black one which are on my rock move they either stretch far and become really thin or retract and become a fat little blob..reminds me of one of those puddies that you can stretch like gak or something...hope that helps with the IDing cuz I really want to know what these buggaz are and if they are friend or foe...

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yeah, thats what mine looks like, or did look like. today i come home to find that it has dissapeared and there is just a smear on the glass where it was.

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