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Coral Vue Hydros

Dosing Vitamin C


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I recently received a vial of Brightwell Aquatics Vitamin C as a freebie with one of my coral shipments. I did read a few older threads on the subject, has there been any certain verdict on whether or not it does anything at all?

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Makes my skimmer go crazy... I stopped due to noticing no change in tank coral growth/color/ expansion.


Now vodka is a whole another story.

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If you read the instructions it is used best as a food soak. I've only been on it for two days but I mix in a couple mL's of Vit C and Selcon with my mysis. Not only do my fish get a nutritious meal, but my corals get essential AA's and Vit C.


I haven't noticed much of any difference, but I can tell you that with selcon/Vit C after I feed my PE is insane!

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I never thought of soaking the fish food in it. I will try that, thanks.


If you read the instructions it is used best as a food soak. I've only been on it for two days but I mix in a couple mL's of Vit C and Selcon with my mysis. Not only do my fish get a nutritious meal, but my corals get essential AA's and Vit C.


I haven't noticed much of any difference, but I can tell you that with selcon/Vit C after I feed my PE is insane!

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I use it every once in a while, usually when one of my corals is injured. Used to use it in our nano cube and it made zoas grow really fast. I would soak reef roids in a little tank water and vitamin c. Just watch out for overdosing, itll really kill your alk fast. My male clown gets regularly beat up by our female, I will feed formula two flake soaked in vitamin c to it and within usually a day sometimes two it looks a million times healthier.

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If you read the instructions it is used best as a food soak. I've only been on it for two days but I mix in a couple mL's of Vit C and Selcon with my mysis. Not only do my fish get a nutritious meal, but my corals get essential AA's and Vit C.


I haven't noticed much of any difference, but I can tell you that with selcon/Vit C after I feed my PE is insane!


It can also act as a source of organic carbon for bacteria, which is how some people have been using it.


Are you, by chance (if you don't mind me asking) affiliated with the medical journal series?

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