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Top Shelf Aquatics

Dosing 5-hour energy shots?


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There is a LFS in Temecula, and the owner just said he pours in a bottle of 5-hour energy everyday into his 200G tank. The tank looks amazing...do you think he was BS'ing me? I've been out of the hobby for the past 8-years to finish college, so I don't really know what the new trends are.


I know there are vitamin emulsions being dosed, but the energy shot? Is this for real???

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Sounds like a bunch of BS to me too. What's in 5 hour energy anyway? A few amino acids, some B vitamins and some niacin so you get a niacin rush and it makes you feel awake? I'd much rather dose brightwells vitamins or kents if I did that... Sounds like hogwash to me.

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whats the name of the store? Im like 20 min from temecula. sounds like he wants you to crash your tank so you can buy all new livestock from him....hahaha

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cheryl jordan
whats the name of the store? Im like 20 min from temecula. sounds like he wants you to crash your tank so you can buy all new livestock from him....hahaha


My thoughts exactly.

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The store was Far West. My tank is just cycled so I don't think he wanted me to crash it...lol Now that I think of it maybe I misunderstood what he was saying. We were talking about what people put in their tanks and it came up...when I asked what he dosed he said the 5-hour energy shot and laughed...Oh well...I figured it was a joke, but ya never know...

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When I was station in Utah a fellow reefer poured a can of Fresca in his tank once a month.


Paul B takes water from the Long Island sound to do water changes.



It may not work for everyone but if it works for them...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nothing but NOS energy drink for my tank. I hit them with a doubleshot whenever I get an algae outbreak. Keeps the CUC working overtime

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