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new to nano i need help


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hi all this is my first post and i was woundering if you guys could tell me if this is a goood setup well i was planning on useing a 10ga tank with a small powerhead and some LR AND LS and an anemone with a breeding pair of clowns would this be a good setup oh yeah what is good lighting for a 10ga nano thanks all :)

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Your anemone will need pristine water condiitions and lots of light. If you MUST, I wiould say look into an entemacea quadricolor, but remember that it may Kick the bucket, and you are out that $$$. The clowns are fine, but they do not need an anemone to be happy.

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and , there are MANY MANY lighting options. research and see if you REALLY want an anemone, then find out which kind, then find out it's lighting and care requirements. As a start, the Long tentacle anemones, and the bubble tips have the best survival rate in captivity thus far.

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Hey new nano person. I almost did that in my 20 but then i decided to try corals. Im glad i did. I got a clown that snuggles up against my frogspawn and xenia. Check out all of your options before doing what you are planning.

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