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What the hell is this spider looking critter?


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I found this guy while cleaning my tank after the lights went out. Any help IDing would be awesome. Is it some sort of sea spider or brittle star?



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Thanks, I took it out and put it in a glass for the time being until someone could tell me if it was safe or not. It's the only one I've seen so far. Hello toilet.

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I wish they weren't bad though. They are pretty bad-ass.


I'd hate to have my hand in the tank and see that one gets on it! :o

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yuck, disgusting zoa spider! I found 2 of them in zoa frags I bought recently and they are ugly bastards. A fresh water dip usualy get them out and they are usualy not present in large number so they are quite easy to control.


I found this guy while cleaning my tank after the lights went out. Any help IDing would be awesome. Is it some sort of sea spider or brittle star?



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Wow great shot of a zoa spider. They are baddies nice job on separating it till you knew what was up. Do you typically fresh water dip your zoas before adding them?

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i'll check my pm's in a sec. and thanks again everyone for the quick help as usual. no i don't ususally do any sort of dipping just a acclimation for temp 45mins worth of drip acclimation and in the tank they go. how long do you need to freshwater dip?

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A few minutes is usualy enough and you shake them in that water so what ever hang in there will be dead. You should really do this because zoa spider although ugly are quite easy to get rid of but if you ever get nudibranch infestation, that's no joke and they lay lots of eggs. A fresh water dip will kill the nudibranches but not the eggs so if you see nudibranch then you look closely for eggs.




i'll check my pm's in a sec. and thanks again everyone for the quick help as usual. no i don't ususally do any sort of dipping just a acclimation for temp 45mins worth of drip acclimation and in the tank they go. how long do you need to freshwater dip?
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A few minutes is usualy enough and you shake them in that water so what ever hang in there will be dead. You should really do this because zoa spider although ugly are quite easy to get rid of but if you ever get nudibranch infestation, that's no joke and they lay lots of eggs. A fresh water dip will kill the nudibranches but not the eggs so if you see nudibranch then you look closely for eggs.



thanks man and does that work on all corals or just zoas? i'd hate to dip a chalice and kill the thing... i don't think i've ever had a nudibranch

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No, it doesn't work on all corals. Some have an extremely low tolerance to FW dips. I would especially avoid dipping SPS in freshwater. For those, I'd use something like an iodine dip. There's a huge thread on dipping in the Disease and Pest section of the forums.

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Pretty much only zoas should get FW dipped. Even palys are less tolerant of it, but still can be done. Anyway what most people recommend (and i do) is get some temp and pH adjusted Distilled water and put 3 or 4 drops of Lugols per gallon of FW. I dunk them in there after temp acclimation. I leave them for 5 minutes and then shake them around in the water for another minute. I then just throw em in the tank. I have heard that you should try to get all the polyps of your zoa's closed before you FW dip them as it will cause them less stress. I hadn't read this and just plunked a colony of zoas in the FW when they were half open, and they took longer to re open after but there was no damage done.




I also look them over before and after the dunk for eggs

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cool thanks for the dipping info, i'll check out the desease forum for more information. but i will deff. get my zoas dipped today. as they should be here any time.


also on a side note, i let my daughter take the sea spider in to her pre-k class for show and tell lmao, she was totally stoked about it! i just stuck it in a test tube, and sent her packing with her momma. we'll see how this goes.

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nice find :) I found one at work once on a zoa rock. i actually brought it home (this was years ago) for my 90 that i had at the time and i never saw it again lol

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cool! if it wouldn't destroy my zoas i'd love to keep it cuz its just cool looking, i swear that thing was walking right side up and upside down, really whatever side hit something to grab on to it walk like that, really weird creature.

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