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Cultivated Reef

My ten gallon nano


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id go with a smaller powerhead near the bottom. Aquaglobe or micro jet. Seems like it would kick up sand a lot that close to the bottom also. Nice aquascaping.

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looks very nice. i too like the aquascape, especially the wavy sand thing ya got goin' on. the side shots make it look a little green in there. i have a ten gallon too and had that problem right after my tank cycled, but after adding the clean-up crew and doing a couple of weekly water changes it was taken care of. are you doing water changes with RO/DI water? how often? i do a 1 gallon per week RO water change. i get refills at wal-mart and mix them about a week in advance. some tap water contains traces of phosphates which i think causes the algae break outs. i haven't had any algae problems that my clean-up crew couldn't take care of which is only 4 turbos, some limpets, and a few stomatellas (the turbos do most of the work). just some thoughts.



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Well i'll tell ya I have had this set up over 6 month's I have a coral banded shrimp,emerald crab, a few hermits,and a turbo snail. I bought the budget ro/di unit that hooks up to my faucet maybe your familiar with it I find it to be a great bargain. My readings have always been zero (nitrites,nitrates, and ammonia). The algae started accumulating after 1 snail and 4 of my hermit crabs passed not to mention i think when I went away a couple of times my friend topped it off with tap water. I was told that mexican turbo snails as well as adding a few more hermits will releive this problem. Believe it or not I have NEVER done a water change on the tank yet just topped it off so far, this will change once i start adding corals which I want to do shortly. I will display more pics I also have a flat back hex FOWLR setup as well. Thanks for the compliments on the aquascaping

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i'm no expert on the algae since i haven't really had the chance to experience it, but i bet your algae will subside whenever you start doing water changes. i have a friend with a 29g reef. he's had a bit of an algae problem over the past few months. he doesn't have a whole lot of lighting to contribute, but has been using well water. he just switched to RO water. i'll let you know if results are good. can't wait to see pictures of both tanks.

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  • 1 month later...

I too would expect that the algae will subside when a little when you start on water changes. It is likely that you have no detectable nitrates because that algae is consuming it as fast as it gets produced. Just for fun you should take a reading at night jsut before the lights go off and in the morning before the lights go on. I would not be suprised if there is some traces detectable in the morning.


Nice setup though. I can't wait to see it stocked.

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