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anyone with refugium on JBJ nano cube?

nano cool

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I'm curious to know if anyone has retrofitted their JBJ nano cube with a refugium? I would like to set up a refugium, but I'm not sure how to go about doing it with the nano cube, due to the design of the hinged hood.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi...From most places I have read you can essentially take out all the media from your stock filter...and replace it with LR and other goodies.. thus making an effective fuge.. sounds like an easy mod to me..you can also restrict some water intake and it will act as a suface skimmer..two for one..

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  • 3 weeks later...

i have. i cut out the 'grill' in the second compartment, where a fan was supposed to be installed, and added one of those clip on pc lights from those azoo mini tanks. i stuffed the first compartment w/ liverock and some macro and in the second compartment, where most of the lighting is directed, put calpera in there.

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I am a virtual learner. You can explain things to me but I need to see pictures(learning curve). Do you have any that show this anything is helpful. Thanks..

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i have started another thread, never saw this one, but i'm doing this and im just going to cut out all that stupid plastic on the hood that covers the back filter, i'm going to take out all the little plastic walls and so it will be one big fuge, i'm just going to make a little hood for the light to sit in and have the light right over the Nanocube filter, it will be very good and efective, as i am going to prob. just get a small little light that is bright enough to grow the stuff, dont' know what kind i need but i'm tryin to get 50/50 so i can get some good Corlinne algae growth on the LR. Anyways it ain't setup yet but it shouldnt' be to hard, i'm building a pine stand for the tank to, hope it looks nice

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