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Cultivated Reef

firefish/royal gramma compatability


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I have a VERY active sixline wrasse, and I want to add a Royal Gramma or a Firefish. I have noticed that both are shy, and I ahve read that they scare easily. Will either of these work with the sixline or not? Thanks.

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I won't be able to answer your question. I wanted to add a question. I also would like to know if you can keep a firefish and a royal gramma together. I have a 20g with no fish yet.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have a Royal Gramma and a Sixline together now. The Royal was there first and it told the Sixline what's up at first. They now live in harmony.

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  • 2 weeks later...

do NOT add a firefish and gramma in the same tank...they will fight. I don't quite know why people say the gramma is frightened easily. I have seen many many gramma's when threatened turn on their sides, in their aggression posture, and open their mouths wide and lunge at fish that try and pick on it, like clownfish, especially tomato clowns, and my gramma likes to harass my pair of firefish.




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  • 3 months later...

i have one red firefish and tried to add another one in my 25 gallon tank. after a couple days i saw the new one got chewed up and had to take him out. is there anyway to have more than one firefish in a 25 g tank if i had one in there to begin with?

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