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Coral Vue Hydros

enough light


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I own a nanocube and went to Tong's aquarium (LFS) and saw a nanocube that had four T-5 lights instead of the PC light that it comes with.They had a clam inside of the tank. I was wondering if that is enough light to keep a clam alive.


I wanted to ad another PC to my tank but was wondering if I added two of the T-5 lights along with PC the nanocube comes with if that would be enough light to keep a clam alive.


Third scenerio. What if I add a 70 watt MH and kept the PC. Would that be enough light?



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Hi oflores. I believe that PC is higher intensity lighting relative to T-5, and as such you'd get more bang for your buck to stick with PC. What I'd recommend is retrofitting your nano cube with a 32W CSL fixture with 50/50 bulb. Sukeband retrofitted his/her nanocube: http://www.nano-reef.com/forums/showthread...light=nano+cube

and I followed along very similar lines. You'll definitely be pleased with the results. Also, you'll save $$$ by incorporating the existing 28 W nano cube PC lighting.


You can also fit in an additional 13W PC fixture too. I just retrofitted that into my nano cube tonight, giving a total of 73W lighting (28W + 32W + 13W)!


Have fun and good luck.

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did you have to add fans to your tank or does it seem to keep at a steady temp?


the lfs out here in LA don't put heaters but the one I did see with the retrofitted light did have two fans.

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I haven't added any fans to the tank. The plastic lid is fairly warm to the touch, but not anywhere near hot enough to melt the plastic or present as a fire hazard. The temp stays relatively steady, although I have to admit it's fairly cool in the room where I keep the tank (it's winter here in Canada after all). ;)

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Hi oflores. I placed the 13W bulb alongside the 32W CSL bulb (as shown in the pic below). The 13W barely fits. I actually got the 13W bulb/socket from an old 13W PC desklight that I had. The ballast for the 13W is built into the plug, so it saves space (no need to fit the ballast into the nano lid).


I held the lights in place using thin metal wires as sukeband had. I also placed a metal bulldog clip in between the 13W and 32W bulbs to prevent them from directly touching each other.


PS- I eventually plan to replace the 13W 'soft white' bulb with an 50/50 bulb.



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All the ballasts are outside the nano cube. The CSL ballast is on the floor (nice long cord connects the ballast to the bulb). The 13W ballast is built into the plug. The stock 28W JBJ ballast has quite a short connection to the bulb, so it hangs along the rear of the tank. If you wanted to, you could easily splice some additional wire so that the ballast was much farther away from the aquarium.

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I agree, however considering the retrofit only cost $100 CDN to perform, the lighting isn't bad for most corals.


I'd love to upgrade to MH one day, once I start earning more $$$.

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