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Lots Of Algae!


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It is going on four weeks now and last week my tank finally finished the cycling process. I had algae along the back glass that i started to clean up this week with a brush and i guess there was so much it started to float around and eventually some of it got on the fiji rock. I have six snails in the tank itself along with two emerald crabs. It is an 18 gallon tank. Do you think the snails will eventually get to all the algae. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

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Please explain, I am very new to this so I am going to ask alot of questions. How do I syphon it with airline tubing? What do i get to create the suction?

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you need more snails. 6 in an 18 is no where near enough. personally i would have 20 in that tank, of various sizes. some will die anyway. just avoid the big turbos.




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I agree with nalbar and caja. You should get some more snails or some hermits (though, keep in mind their predatory brehavior and add some extra shells in the tank). In the meantime, siphon-out that detritus on the rock. Place one end of the airline tube in the tank and the other outside of the tank (at a lower elevation) and into an empty bucket or some other resevoir. Then, suck the dry end until the water flows from the tank freely. This is also a great way to acclimate new livestock. Siphon, slowly, water from the tank into the container containg the new specimens. You can constrict the rate of flow by adding a knot to the tubing and tightening or loosening it as desired.

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thakidistight, your method of starting a siphon literally sucks. :P You can usually put the tubing in front of a powerhead to start the siphon.


Otherwise, to start a siphon:

• lower a bunch of tubing into your tank

• put a finger on the other side

• position the tubing so the water in the tube is below the waterline both inside and outside of the tank

• release your finger

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I love the big turbos. The things are voracious. Cleared out all the macro and hair in my tank. Just have to make sure everything is bolted down, thats all.

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