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10G Going on 6th Month


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  • 4 weeks later...

it's actually black and white. it is a bio-active sand, but i forget the name brand. i like the look a lot and i think it helped to cycle my tank very quickly. it may be a carib-sea product. my LFS guy, who i trust, recommended it to me. from the beginning he's yet to steer me wrong.

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  • 2 weeks later...

another picture of the whole tank. i think i'm getting better at this imaging thing too. hopefully you'll have a nice image to look at.



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thanks mache62. the tank is finally at a place where i'm happy to let it grow up. for a while it seemed i was always trying to talk my wife into letting me get something else to put in it. so now i'm going to let it grow while i save for "our" new grow-out tank which will hopefully move in this summer.



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yeahp. i got it from web aquatics which was the least expensive place that i could find it. i like it a lot. it lights the whole tank and it was a piece of cake to mount, which was the only reason why i hesitated when purchasing it.

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hey nice tank. i have a question for you about your toadstool leather. i have a 12 gallon nano cube. i recently bought a toadstool leather. it looked fine in the fish store although it hadn't bloomed. it didn't have any "tenticle" like thnings on it. now it has been in my tank for a week it hasn't "blossomed" or anything. and it seems to be collecting algae. did you have this problem?

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if algae is growing on it you may not have enough flow over it. it needs to have plenty of waterflow to keep things from settling on the top of it. of course you don't want too much so that it gets torn off of whatever rock that it is on.


mine didn't open up right away, but it did open within 24-hours. toadstool leathers are very hardy. if i were you, i would move it to a different location to see if it likes it better. give it a couple of days to settle in. if that doesn't work, try another place. it took me over a month to find a place that my GSP liked.




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thanks a lot i will try that tonght. one mroe question. is your toadstool on top of rocks because mine came attached to a small peace of live rock. would it be better if i put it on top of other rocks so that it could have more water flow

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mine is currently sitting on the sandbed. it also came attached to a small piece of rock. the rock is big enough that my hermit crabs can't pick it up so i don't really have to worry where i put it. as of now it will remain low in the tank because it seems to be doing very well (when things look like they're happy, i don't move them unless i absolutely have to).


you should consider your lighting when choosing the height to place your toadstool, along with how big you expect it to get (i've seen some HUGE toadstool leathers). i'd like to see mine get really big without much problem so i'll probably leave mine on the sandbed.


toadstools require moderate lighting and are photosynthetic but will filter feed. if you want to know the requirements for a toadstool leather, just do a search. there is lots of information here and on reefcentral.com.


also, a few months back i bought the book "Aquarium Corals" by Eric Borneman. it is awesome! it'll give you all the information you could ever want.


do you have any pictures?



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