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Pod Your Reef

Woohoo! I'm cycled!


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I set up my nano on 12-27-03- it's a 5 gallon bowfront with 26w PC 50/50 10k/actinic in AHSupply Brite Kit reflectors in a DIY hood. 8 pounds LR(from 2 different LFS's), 4 lbs LS + 1/2 lb shells/aragonite mix for texture (the LFS live sand was very small particulate). It's got a Whisper Mini on it for flow and as a place to put the 50w VisiTherm. I had an AC mini on it, but the impeller was being a bit rattly so I put on the Whisper. I also have a Rio 50 in the other end of the tank from the Whisper. My water specs are currently:


(tests from Red Sea Marine Test Lab)



SG 1.023

Temp 81f

pH 8.2

Alk: "Normal"



.0ppm Ammonia

.0ppm Nitrite

.0ppm Nitrate



.0ppm Ammonia



A few weeks after that goes in, I will probably add my first coral (probably a shroom, but maybe a small zoo colony or GSPs), then proceed to add my first decorative inverts. Then another coral, then a fish. After that, I will play it by ear. The eventual stocking plan:



1 neon goby

2-3 sexy shrimp

1 emerald crab (utility and I think crabs are nifty)

2-3 astrea, depending

2-4 hermits, depending



ricordea florida(probably 2 different kinds)

pulsing xenia

leathers(probably colt and/or finger- hesitant on colt as it is said to grow like a fiend)

zoos! many hues of zoos! zoos in blues, zoos in shoes... oops, Dr Seuss moment there

Bright GSPs

possibly a photosynthetic gorgonian in foreground

possibly montipora (upper rockwork, from what I hear with my light it may do pretty well)


Does anyone see a problem with this load?


Also, FWIW, in the next month or two I will be DIYing a sump/fuge from a 10 gallon tank. It will be a fuge, in that I can use it for growout and macroalgae for nutrient export. I plan to use a 13w PC 6500k to light that fuge, and the fuge will probably end up holding around 7-8 gallons of actual water.


I have been having fun already spotting hitchikers. I have some of the two-tentacled tube worms that are pretty cool (amazing how long those things stretch). I have a little featherduster who is very cute. He seems to be doing well. Also, I have some form of worm that crawls the substrate when I am not around. I had two down on the sand (hard to tell what they are, they are covered in sand, literally. One of those has crawed up a piece of LR and attached his tube. He has yet to poke anything out of the tube.


One unwelcome hitchiker was the Aiptasia. A powerdrill and a remodel of his cave and voila! No more aptasia :)


So, what do you all think of the setup? Am I ready for 2 hermits 2



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Snails: OK, will do. I am a bit concerned about starving the poor cephalapods, but if they look thin I'll toss 'em a cube of frozen spirulina I guess :)


SG: Yes, I had it at 1.024 when I filled the tank, I suspect test kit water and overzealous top-off procedures have lowered it slightly. I will address this when I do a water change tonight(IE change 1g with 1.027 or so) and see where I get from there.


Also, is the emerald crab OK to put in at this stage? I assume so, but I don't *know*.



[edit: there're *2* e's in emerald I hear]

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Well, they are in, or the start of cleanup is in. I now have two Astrea snails, 4 red-and-blue hermits, and an emerald crab.


I will pick up other species of snails at the next fish store I go to- the LFS I was at only had the Astreas in.



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Here are some pics (Without the murk this time!)


I thought I would be different, and I wanted an intricate rockwork (with many areas for things to duck in and out of sight, especially when some shrooms are draped around, etc) so I got a few pieces of boulder-looking rock and a bunch of Fiji branch. I think my total rock volume is more than some others here, as the fiji branch is noticeably less dense.


01-01-13 Nano pics



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