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HELLP!!! Clown may DIE!


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okay my brother has this clown and it has like a brown fin eating thingy on it we cant tell if it a parasite (i think it is) or a bactieria or a fungi. i guess it jumped from the fin to the fish now or thats what m bro says...i reaally dont want the clown to die :( ill get a pic of it as soon as i can get a good 1

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The "thing" your speaking of sounds like what I had once. It actually sucks blood from the fish but is white clearish in color. If your seeing brown it must have sucked a little blood from the fish already. Luckily I caught mines with the net. Simply net the fish and use some tweezers to pull it off. Kinda like a flea but deadly to fish. I think over at R/C they have a picture of it. Really ugly looking booger.


Good Luck,



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well we did the freshwater dip and it came off but the poor thing died...we didnt want to put it back in my bro's tank becasue we didnt want him to get it again (my gorther said h got it off once and it came back. But so ya and the damsel in my tank ( also my brother's) nipped at it well i thought you know he will stop after a while but he didnt i guess and i came back adn the clown still had life but waws just floating around...i flushed him...he wasnt gonna make it...it was a very distressing night....:(

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