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We got a new coral!


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For the first time in many, many months, I purchased a new coral for our Minibow Nano reef. It is a small Fox Coral (about the size of a quarter when fully open) it was only $4.99 at our LFS. Liza has always wanted one of these things, and I figured that this would be the perfect opportunity to try one out. The ones I see at the store are usually much larger than this and there really isnt much room in our tank anymore for new things. Anyhow here is a shot of our newest Coral.





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Looks very nice, good to see you going the farm on live stock. I now see money is the way to TOTM.....Glad to see that little buggar got a good home.

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Those things are great, They don't like being in the sand face down AT all.. (found out the hard way when I went out of town my frag fell over..half of it melted in a matter of days)

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Hi bird :)


I dunno about it being a centerpiece anytime soon. Gunna be a while for sure heh.


The clown just wants food. It is looking beyond the coral at the person with the camera thinking, more food please, more food please.



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Looks good gil. I had a larger one in my 29 gallon tank before I sold it. THe are very interesting and awesome looking. Good luck. Tank is still looking great...

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man gil when you coming up this way? i wanna see you guys play and it looks like you need to frag that montipora for me...ha ha anyway congrats on the new frag and the tank looks great as usual

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  • 1 month later...

SLO we are going to be touring this summer, but we are starting over on the east coast. Not sure where we will be playing up in SLO.


The fox coral seems to be doing ok under our "medium" lighting conditions. It has been in there for a while now, and it still hasn't really grown much at all. It opens up daily though and other than lack of new growth, it seems healthy.



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