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Cultivated Reef

Kailyn's 5.5g AIO


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That is a really great pic Shyla. Save that one to enter into a photo contest the subject matter has win written all over it especially with the snail in the pic also.

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Thanks sooo much ck! I was so shocked I got a pic of them two and that the pic wasn't blurry, I was about to do a happy dance lol

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Thanks sooo much ck! I was so shocked I got a pic of them two and that the pic wasn't blurry, I was about to do a happy dance lol


Here let me do it for you



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Latest pic, gonna be the FTS for this month just because I may not be adding more this month. Gotta see if my macros hang in there hehe.




I could probably still fit like 2 more little ones, on top and to the rightish front, but we'll see how the rest go first.

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Looks like you got some of those rare Macros from John, I think I see Halymenia Elongate in the back corner.

I like the way this is looking.


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I like how your tank is coming along, I'd love to have some of your macros.

Oh & that goby/shrimp pic is just fantastic!

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  • 1 month later...

Ok so I guess its time to update this thread altho I haven't done too much to it. Some of the macros from Reefcleaners just didn't make it. My grape algae is the one that seems to do best and the halymenia from Mark is doing ok. I'd like to get a couple more in there tho before i can't add anything else for the long haul, ugh!


I did add 2 sexy shrimp to the tank and they are the cutest things. I just put the other part of that acan frag in this tank as well, it didn't like my 50g. My YWG and Pistol sure do come out alot more so thats good. I guess thats about all and thank you all for liking the tank so much :)

Here are some new pics!


FTS 7-25-2010



YWG covering his hole



The sexy's like the hydnophora


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What else do you all think this tank needs? Zoas or something? Hmm Bday is coming, give me some ideas to fill this tank lol. I'd be able to get them in before the end of august.


I may have to see what John can get me to do well in this tank, I love his macros.

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Tank looks nice. Couldnt go wrong with adding a few more polyps of different zoas to your tank, or even more macros or acans.

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Ya know Jacob, I hear how bad they are and to put faaaar away from other corals. But I had this in my 20g before it became a 50g and it was right next to a monti digi. I'll tell ya, they were practically directly on top of eachother before the hydno even thought of attacking it and I mean like 1/4" apart or closer - not kidding.


Thanks Mark, I told you the grape was growing real well. Now if only your box got here, I coulda put those macros in! lol

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  • 1 month later...

Ok so I got my new inhabitants and I am in love already! The dwarfs are soo tiny! They are doing well though and eating well.


Heres a FTS from today -



One without camera flash -



Couple more pics of the dwarfs -









I would have gotten a picture of the pipes but they are usually snaking around in the back. Poor YWG is in hiding from all the newness lol.


The only thing that can knock me out of this contest now is if any of my hitch macros die. I'll have to think of the poor ponies in that case and replace it. But everything looks real good and this tank runs like a dream.

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aio's usually run really well.



solid build & great looking tank.



i'll be checking in on you from time to time to see how well the dwarfs do in your tank. (cause i want a few too)

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Wow Shyla your tank just leaves me speechless.


You have done a great job blending corals and macros and now critters into a really great looking pico. The Dwarf Seahorses make a super fantastic addition.

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Have you had Dwarfs in a tank with zoas, acans, & other stinging corals before? Cause Dwarfs are extremely sensitive to the stings from those corals. They are not a reef species. If I'am wrong on any of this please prove me wrong cause I find them to be a fun fish but a very time consuming fish to keep.

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Wow Shyla your tank just leaves me speechless.


You have done a great job blending corals and macros and now critters into a really great looking pico. The Dwarf Seahorses make a super fantastic addition.


+5,000, I'm so jealous!

It's beautiful.

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aio's usually run really well.


solid build & great looking tank.


i'll be checking in on you from time to time to see how well the dwarfs do in your tank. (cause i want a few too)


Thanks, this tank does really run well and so simple. Well we shall see on the dwarfs, I really hope it works out well. I am ready to lose a few just to shipping stress or old age since you never really know how old they are. I will only be able to tell really with the babies.



Wow Shyla your tank just leaves me speechless.


You have done a great job blending corals and macros and now critters into a really great looking pico. The Dwarf Seahorses make a super fantastic addition.


Thanks ck! I am glad you like it so much. I am happy with the way it came out but sometimes I get too picky, it must be the leo in me and I am like ugh! I just don't like that one spot, what can i put there! lol Or ya know what really gets me? I put a macro in and it looks all good and perfect then it dies and I wanna freak out lol.

I think its good now except I really did want more cactus caulerpa and I tried to get some from Reefcleaners this past week but it didn't make it. I think that is actually my favorite macro for seahorse hitches. Especially for the babies!



Have you had Dwarfs in a tank with zoas, acans, & other stinging corals before? Cause Dwarfs are extremely sensitive to the stings from those corals. They are not a reef species. If I'am wrong on any of this please prove me wrong cause I find them to be a fun fish but a very time consuming fish to keep.


Actually I have never had dwarf seahorses before at all, ok well that isn't true, I did buy them out of the back of a magazine as freshwater seahorses or something stupid like that when I was a young teenager lol. But that doesn't really count now does it when they lived in a small fishbowl, I had no idea how to take care of them and the male seahorse basically had babies and died, blah blah.

Ok so anyways, it is kinda valid because its the reason I kinda wanted to try again and especially in this tank because it was the right size to begin with but also with equipment and more likely to keep them alive.

I understand your concern with the corals, as did I even though I only had a few and mainly had macros. So I read this place.....




And I figured the ones I had in there were pretty much ok to keep. I took the Hydnophora out as soon as I decided to get the dwarfs but the others are ranked at 0 or acans at 1. The acans I only worry about if the seahorse gets too close but they don't usually even go to those corners, so I am hoping they are all safe. If it comes a time where it is a problem I can always take them out. But for now I will leave it and keep the color. The corals help eat the food for the dwarfs too since I dump it all in there and it looks like a snowstorm lol. I think everything gets to eat that way, I am just wondering now if sexy shrimp eat baby brine or if I should still give them pellets.

Time consuming? Oh you ain't kidding! I have to culture brine to feed every day, so I have these two bottles going constantly. Then I am sitting there with a dropper picking them out, straining them and rinsing them, feeding, daily! Its a darn good thing I haven't had a vacation in a long time lol. This is not a pet for anyone whos not home alot, thats for sure.


+5,000, I'm so jealous!

It's beautiful.


Well thank you very much Weet! But no need to be jealous, you have some nice tanks yourself!

I am just hoping it all works out the way I would like. We shall see! At least now I can take more pictures since my secret is out! lol I will try to get some pics of the elusive pipefish.


Stay tuned!

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They look great Someone else on seahorse.org was debating just recently trying some shrooms & zoas with them. I've have a 5.5 AIO myself cycling for some dwarfs but I'm planning to do just macros & sea fans. Oh can I ask where you got your dwarfs & were they captive or wild?

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