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Fuzzy white thing on my hammer coral.


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There's a little fuzzy white ball growing on the skeleton of my hammer coral. It looks almost like really small soft urchin, but with may more, and far tinier spikes. It doesnt seem to have moved since I first discovered it . . it has been growing though . .


Hopefully it wont harm my coral . . any idea what it is??


here's a (kind of fuzzy) pic I managed to get of it:






edit: checked the link, the pic should work . . ???

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This might be a dumb question but is it going to be a problem in suck close proximity to my hammer?? It's kinda spikey, doesnt look like any other sponges I've seen . .



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Shouldn't be a problem. I have a couple of them in my 20 gallon at home, they're really not pointy at all, they just look like it(unless it's something different).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah the pic does make it look a bit like a bubble coral . . its overexposed too :P


Its actually a pink/green branching hammer coral, just a bad pic from weird angle.



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a sponge, baby urchin, dead tissue, Thor's hammer, it will be fine. The coral will sting it if it sucks, otherwise, you are good.


How big is it now?

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