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400 watt Radium question


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First off, I have Pm'd LunchBucket.


Over my 18H I have a 175 and a36wPC. I am getting a Dual 400 watt Radium set up for a future tank in the Trade of a lifetime. As I have no need for the 175 if I have the dual 400 I of course thought of ol' LB. As of now I have a custom built Canopy with 2 3" fans and an open back. Zero heat issues. In fact without a heater my tank will drop to 72 with the lights on.


Obviously the 400 will produce much more heat (double if not more) but Will the tank overheating be %100? Or is there a chance all could be good.


I know Lunch has a Chiller, but I by no means plan on obtaining one.



Comments, flames, irrelavant banter welcome.

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Here's some pointless banter as requested:


I like monkeys.


The pet store was selling them for five cents a piece.


I thought this was odd since they are normally a couple thousand apiece.


I decided not to look a gift horse in the mouth, so I bought 200 of them.


I like monkeys.


I took my 200 monkeys home.


I have a big car.


I let one of them drive.


His name was Sigmund.


He was retarded.


In fact, none of them were really bright.


They kept punching themselves in the genitals.


I laughed.


They punched me in the genitals.


I stopped laughing.


When I got home, I herded them into my room. They didn’t adapt very well to their new environment.

They would screech and hurl themselves off the couch at high speeds and slam into the wall.


Although humorous at first, the spectacle lost its novelty halfway into it’s third hour.


Two hours later I found out why all the monkeys were so inexpensive:


They all died.


No apparent reason.


They all just sort of dropped dead.


Kinda like when you buy a goldfish and it dies five hours later.


God damn cheap monkeys.


I didn’t know what to do.


There were 200 dead monkeys lying all over my room;


On the bed,


In the dresser,


Hanging from my bookcase.


It looked like I had 200 throw rugs.


I tried to flush one down the toilet.


It didn’t work.


It got stuck.


Then I had one dead, wet monkey and one hundred ninety-nine dead, dry monkeys.


I tried to pretend that they were just stuffed animals.


That worked for awhile, that is, until they began to decompose.


It started to smell real bad.


I had to pee but there was a dead monkey in my toilet and I didn’t want to call a plumber.


I was embarrassed.


I tried to slow down the decomposition by freezing them. Unfortunately there was only enough room for two at a time, so I had to change them every 30 seconds. I also had to eat all the food in the freezer so it didn’t go bad.


I tried to burn them, but little did I know that my bed was flammable.


I had to extinguish the fire.


Then I had one dead, wet monkey in my toilet, two dead, frozen monkeys in my freezer, and one hundred ninety-seven dead, charred monkeys in a pile on my bed, and the odor wasn’t improving.


I became agitated at my inability to dispose of the dead monkeys and I really had to use the bathroom.


So I went and severely beat one of the monkeys.


I felt better.


I tried throwing them away, but the garbage man said the city was not allowed to dispose of charred primates.


I told him I had a wet one.


He couldn’t take it either.


I didn’t bother asking about the frozen ones.


I finally arrived at a solution:


I gave them out as Christmas gifts.


My friends didn’t quite know what to say.


They pretended to like them, but I could tell they were lying.




So I punched them in the genitals.


God, I like monkeys.

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800 watts over an 18 gal?


Thats pretty hardcore.


Your tank is gonna be so hardcore, its gonna be the Jenna Jameson (or equivelant) of nanos.


Forget buying a chiller, you should just move to antarctica.


I don't think I'd mind being monkey punched in the genitals right about now, after saying that.




You could probly get a giant fan or something, that should take care of the 400 watter.

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no, no, no. I meant 1x400 over the 18. Since the ballast has seperate switches I could just use one. I am not that hardcore(or stupid) I have 2x3" Fans, But I could always just move to antarctica.


With that said, what do you think, Von. Lunch has a Chiller, but how needed is it really?


Could you even fit 2x400 over an 18? (think think think)

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Originally posted by Jahkaya

Could you even fit 2x400 over an 18? (think think think)


Maybe if you tried really hard. It's called effort... E 4 effort.


I was just fudging with ya about the 800 watts. But think about it for a second... 800 watts... thats like 44.44444444444 watts per gallon. I think you'd be ready for some nice soft corals with that kinda lighting. :D


-Maybe you could get away with a tall canopy, a few more fans, and some nice weather. But summertime always sucks, and a chiller can really come in handy then.

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Canopy is 11 inches. I have great Central Air for summer. I am thinking about adding a standard 4-5 inch clip on fan if need be.


I feel that even with double the heat of a 175 I would not have problems, but a 400 is more double.

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I scream out "THUG LIFE" Periodically regardless. Should I scream out "THUG REEF"?


Funny thing is is that in March I will be getting a CA reactor that will go on the tank until my 120 is set up.


Sorry, lunch, not trying to copy, just turning out that way.


Von, bring on more input. The rest of you slackers GET CRACKALACK'N.

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Umm, just checking to see if you've done anything w/ the 400 watter yet. I'm a tad curious to see how it works out w/out a chiller.


I may be the next one to copy... (thinking about digging out the ol'18h and setting it up again.) Not that I'm trying to be a biter or anything, I swear I'm not. Von Digity does not bite.

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Lunch Advised against it. He has a 10g sump with fans over it and a chiller. He said that without the chiller he would expect the tank to overheat, but of course has not tried it. Once the 400 comes in I may try it for a day and check the temp ever hour. If it stays stable at 80 I may leave it. I am actually just as concerned about the topoff. I am at a half gallon a day with just the 175. I have no auto top off and dont plan on having a five gallon jug next to my tank. I will keep all posted.

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I am starting to think you are getting too fixated on your lighting. I have to believe as dedicated as you are to your tank, that the 175 will do you just fine. believe me I know the feeling of always wanting to take it one step farther and keep pushing the envelope.

Not to sound stupid, but wouldn't it be cheaper just to switch your tank to a 20 long? Only 12 inch height and the lighting you have would be killer.....Just some thoughts...

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I hear you. My beilief is is that there are so many other factors other than lighting, that once you get that out of the way you can now focus on the other issue, Water quality. I just asked, because I was already in the process of getting the light for about 60 bucks and a trade and figured I'd put it to good use. Other wise it will be sitting for months while the other tank is constructed. I like the 20 Long, but a dual pendant is a must for a 175. The intensity is just not there for the far ends of the tank. If I were to just do one bulb over a 20 I would do a 250 20k. The 18 is dedicated to SPS and clams. 15 different specices of SPS and only 2 clams for now. I actually beleive in Nanos that the tanks should be geared more toward either mostly softies or mostly SPS. I just wanted increased growth from my SPS. That's why I went from 20k to 10k. Now I miss the blue and want the 20k back, but with the intensity of a 10k. only way to do that is to up the wattage apparently, according to lunch, 400 watt's over an 18 requires a chiller.


Either way you are right. I over do it. My 20 gallon softy has 300w VHO.

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From what I've Seen Softies actually do better under intense VHO than intense MH. That and most prefer Phyto as opposed to Zooplankton which SPS prefer. In a mixed reef in small quarters a good amount of carbon is a must. Though it is by no means a Biotope or species tank I just feel that in such small quarters Animals do better with a bit more specific requirements. I have a ridculous amount of flow on my 18, and actually stifle my flow on the 20 and things seem to be happer and expand better for each. SPS extend more in high flow, LPS/softies expand more so in lower flow.


In a large tank you can create different areas a little easier and place each coral accordingly, not so in a 10 gallon.

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