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Shrimp Questions


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I plan very soon to move my 7 gallons inhabitants over to my 20G Long aquarium. In the 20G long, I have 6 Peppermint shrimp that are doing a beautiful job of controlling aiptasia and would like to keep them until I no longer have a problem. In my 7g, I have a cleaner shrimp that would be going in the 20g. Would keeping the skunk cleaner and the peppermint shrimp together be a problem?



Thanks in advance,




P.S. Got a try-out with the Cleveland Indians this Saturday and with the Reds July 31st. What's up with the Ohio teams? They must like me. :P

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congrats on the tryout! who'll watch the tanks?;)


the cleaner and the peppermint should get along as long as appetites are satisfied otherwise :eek:

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Well as far as tryouts, that's a one day event. If I was to sign with a club my plans would have to change depending on circumstance. Thanks for the reply.



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Goodluck with your tryouts! WHEN you make it big, send some free autographed baseballs (and cards) my way!! :D

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send some here too. and remember, when your the subject of the sunday interview on sportscenter, don't forget to say "I wouldn't be here without the folks at nano-reef.com supporting me all the way" (and then wipe an invisable tear away from your eye).



and by the way, im pretty sure the peppermints will get along with the cleaner.

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You guys are hilarious! Actually, I am in health insurance sales for the time being and I've had a few of my clients that tracked my high school and brief college career, ask for an autographed baseball. If I do make it big, I suppose I'll have so many "old friends" that I never knew I had and all my cousins will suddenly show their faces. It's funny how stuff works out.


So the shrimp should get along? That's good news! Anybody against putting these animals together, speak now or forever hold yer piece.



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I speak now! I say he will get killed by the aiptasia eating shrimp gang!


Hehehe, only joking. He should be fine.

He may get a few bad looks from the "Gang", but it should be alright as long as there is plenty of food around.

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