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Will water from the LFS liverock tank shorten the cycle?


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I got a 7gal minibow for Christmas and it will soon land on my desk at work. I plan to buy my liverock from the LFS that is right across the street from my office. I'm wondering if I get 7 gal of water from their liverock tank if that will shorten or elminate the cycle.

I'll probaby go with bagged live sand too.

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the sand will help but the water wont make any difference since in such a small tank youll do water changes and take it right out. Go with lr and ls for a quicker cycle.

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Welllll from my experience I would get the rock and try to get the dead stuff OFF before putting it in a tank. You wont be able to get everything, and the leftovers should be good enough for a cycle. The dirty water is probably so loaded with crud you will have hellacious diatoms and algae very quickly. I left som dead looking bubbly plant looking stuff on mine then a month later, BOOM bubble algae everywhere.....

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Hard to say. I bought my nano cube from LFS and got figi LR, catalina water, and arag-alive sand. My cube never had any spikes and nitrites have been 0, with nitrates 20 since day one.


I now have snails, peppermint shrimp and one damsel as of day 15. All is well so far.


Algae is at a minimum and everything is doing OK so far.

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Ok then. I guess I'll just get regular pre-mixed salt water from them and plan for a normal length cycle (whatever that is).

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Good idea on making your own water. With the amount of changes some tend to do during cycle times it would do no good and if the LFS by you has the same ropck sotrage water habits I have seen than that water is a complete pit....I wouldn't try it. The water itself usually won't cause any effect on cycle time anyhow...all has to do with dieoff and regeneration on the rock and sand.



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While this might not be accurate everywhere, but in a nano where the salinity is fairly sensitive and can go up or down easily, I much rather make my own water and KNOW that the salinity is the same every time. just my .02

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That is a good point but I think he is just wanting to do this for cycling purposes and in a one time deal salinity is very easy to check and adjust.



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Cycling is just your tank abosorbing all the stuff that died on your live rock from the time it gets from the ocean to your tank. Water shouldn't do much.

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