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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Ph low..AK normal..CA a bit low..


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Hi folks


What I read, I have diatom started about 2 days ago, so my cycling is at the end and when I test, I have:


Amoniac 0

Nitrite 0

Nitrate 2

Ca 360

Ph 7.8 :( damm low

Ak 5mg/L


So....I add reef complete to get my calcium to around 420, but it's gonna get few days because I get go higher then 20mg/L per day.


If I add reef buffer, do you think my PH can raise without affecting too much my AK?


The last time I add buffer (marine buffer) it's when my cycle was not complete so my PH raise to 8.3 but after 24 hours, it's back to 7.8.


If anyone can help me, will be really helpfull. I'm new to reef, I was doing FO before so....thank for your help.

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Go ahead and do a 10% water change and test your params again the next day and see where the levels are. Since your tank is so new and finishing cycling, you may be able to balance things out without adding anything, just through water changing. I'd try that for a couple of weeks before dosing anything to correct the levels. Good luck!

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Check your magnesium levels. Magnesium interacts with calcium and Alkalinity to affect pH and the amount of calcium that can stay in the water. Don't start adding buffers until you have exhausted other options.

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sounds like you might have an indoor CO2 problem. Take a cup of tank water and run it with an airstone outside for an hour, then test the pH.


I used to have a similar problem when my tank was next to the kitchen and I lived in an apartment. Ended up running an air pump next to an open window into the skimmer.



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I can't try this now...it's -25 here so....in a hour...everything gonna freeze. I try to put the venturi for about 2-3 hours, and my ph up only of .2, but my ligth was on, so it's possible that's the light who up my ph of .2

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