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Top Shelf Aquatics

UK RO/DI units.


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I know that there is a lot of information about systems in the US but I was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction for a good RO/DI system available in the UK which isn't going to break the bank. I will require about 12 gallons a week. Any advice will be appreciated.


Thanks in advance.

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+1 to Lakshwadeep.


I like this one but with an upgrade to a 1 micron sediment prefilter and a 0.5 micron carbon block.


I live in France but have been doing the same search. I like the look of this system but with the filters mentioned above, a dual tds meter and a pressure gauge. Basically, a rip off of the Spectrapure system which seems to be highly rated here. All these parts are available from osmotics.

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Thank you for your advice. Looks like a good system. However, I was wondering if this system needs plumbing in or will it be easily attachable when needed. Sorry for the silly question but I'm a complete noob when it comes to RO systems.

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I was wondering if this system needs plumbing in or will it be easily attachable when needed.


That's up to you. You can get adapters for fitting to garden hoses or washing machine plumbing. Putting a Y-adapter on the cold water supply to the washing machine with a valve you can open/close to start and stop the supply to the RO is an easy solution for a more permanent installation.


Choice of fittings

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