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Top Shelf Aquatics

Controlling Ph in a 30 gallon


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My aquarium has been setup for about a month. I monitor my Ph with my reefkeeper 2 and it ranges from 7.60-7.98. What are ways that i could get the Ph higher than it is and help maintain it. I know Ph fluctuates with the lights being on/off and with CO2 levels...The tank has a sump inside a stand and a canopy over the tank. I left the canopy and stand open for a week in hopes of helping with the CO2 levels but the pH is still low :(


any ideas on maintaining it and raising it to higher level safely?

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What is your water change schedule like?


I personally don't like dosing in small tanks as long as you are doing regular water changes your pH should be controlled just fine.

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wont running a fuge full of macro algae on a reverse cycle keep the ph stable? i read it some where....im also guilty of not testing my ph....but its never been an issue as far as i know.

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- ignore Ph....focus only on keeping a stable alk. Ph will take care of itself...

I was worried about the sam thing awhile back till I read this...


Did it and "BAM"

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I have to agree with above, only time I have a problem with ph is when I test. Otherwise the corals and fish do fine.

I do add a couple teaspoon kalkwasser to gl top off water on a drip system.

Keeps the alk at 9 and calcium above 400.

And I do test for magnesium and keep it around 1300.

Keep these levels right and ph will take care of its self.

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