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Help! Chemi pure all over my tank!


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I dont know what to do , i came home today from work to the sound of chemi pure being rattled around in the HOB of my pico and fine black soot ALL over my tank. Looks like the bag some how burst.... I gotta get this cleaned up but i need to make water etc to change when I suck it all out.. are my corals going to be okay for another day like this? How should i go about getting it all out anyone ever have this happen and do you know if this will lead to a crash?


Game plane #1


Chemi pure out as much as possible.


Rebag into smaller finer micron bags


Poly Filter like hell


Turkey Baste the water so it all gets sucked up.


Hope it works.


This really sucks, I left this morning thinking wow this thing is really starting to get stable and nice. Then BAHM come home to this crap!

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Think about this:


The chemi pure was soaking in water which was circulating though your tank.

So now that the chemi pure is actually in your tank what is the difference?


Just move anything directly touching the corals. Then siphon out during your water change. Turkey baster may prove to be a fun and effective tool.


I wouldn't save any of it, just get a new bag. Fish net could help as well

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^ Yup..


Nothing really to worry about here.


Before I rinse my chemi-pure, I always make sure the ziptie is always as tight as it could be.. and more often than not, I can get about 3-5 clicks out of the ziptie, meaning it wasnt tight at all.

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That sounds great steve but if chemipure leaches back then its a problem. Anyways clean up as much as you can, not much els you can do.

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Got the pumps turned up and i'm switching out poly and blowing stuff around a lot. I know it wont effect anything now, but down the road i can see it leaching like nick said that is what i am worried about.


This seems to be working for now. Man is it ugly looks like a volcano went off in my pico.


I wanted to save some of it because it was only a week old!

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When I bought my chemipure elite, the LFS said that some people have had problems with the bags breaking lately. They suggested I put the bag in another bag to prevent this. After reading this, I'm glad I did. Good luck with it.

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When I bought my chemipure elite, the LFS said that some people have had problems with the bags breaking lately. They suggested I put the bag in another bag to prevent this. After reading this, I'm glad I did. Good luck with it.


Just to update, I could never get any of it out. I think alot of it was stuck in my modded HOB, which i finally replaced with an ac70 and that helped. But there is still alot of black soot everywhere it is very ugly. Its going to take a lot of water changes before everything is "clean" again.

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For the fine black soot you can try running some filter floss... that should clear it up in a few hours.


And yea don't re-bag it... just get a new bag.

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