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BigRok's Little Rocks


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5.5 gallon AGA derimmed and sectioned

Odyssea EX-250 pump

EboJager 50 watt heater



1 Yellow Tail Damsel




Kenya Tree





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So it's not off to a tremendous start.


I don't have a light yet, and am constantly debating myself on my options.

I will pick up some LR tomorrow.

Also want to build some unique stand for it, but I'm still stuck on this one too.


So all I have to post is a picture of the tank in the garage getting the partition siliconed in.


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Thanks! I also must say I like your avatar.


I added the rock and sand.

I went kind of minimal on the rock. I bought 6½ lbs. of cured rock, but ended up splitting it up pretty good and only put about half of the total amount in there. I'm pleased with what I came out with rock wise.

I also added 5 lbs. of bagged "live" sand, which is a stretch from my usual route of bare bottom or 1/4" of sand. The updated pic is still a little dusty from all the sand, but it is clearing up pretty good.


I also ordered the Odeyssea 24 watt power compact light which should be here early next week. I don't intend to use it in it's fully stock form, but I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it yet. Either way, it'll suffice for now and let me start stocking the tank in a few weeks at the least.

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Ha ha, I'm probably going to do an ATO.

I'm building the stand today, so I'll leave enough room to conceal a small battery powered ATO in the back.


If that fails, I can always get them to top it off.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A little update.


I moved the tank to my house because I don't spend enough time down there. It's a shame too because my mom really likes watching the hermits.

I never built an ATO, and I probably won't now since I have this in my room now.

I built a stand, added trim, was getting ready to paint and decided I didn't like it. I'll probably build a new stand for it eventually, but I do like the accessability of the open top.


My cheap gangster light hasn't shown up from aquatraders yet, and it probably never will. Until then, my fairly unflattering light will have to suffice. I may look at alternative lighting options anyways.


Added Halimeda and a Xenia. Should have it stocked a little better next week.



Edit: Oh yeah, I added the old background from my 10g planted.

It looks pretty nice, but now the scratch that was gouged in the tank previously shows prominently more.



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Yay! My cheap ass lighting fixture came in from Aquatraders. And much to even my surprise, it actually works!

The legs for it are bulky and ungodly hideous though. I do think I need to find an alternative for them, but they certainly do serve their purpose.




I am pleasantly surprised with the colour also. I am used to my Coralife fixture, that always look washed out and yellow.


I think this is going to be it for a while. I'll just let things settle in and then start stocking it a little more in the next month or so.



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I really like the scaping here. It looks very natural. Nice halimeda too.


Thanks! I really did strive for the minimalist, peninsula look here.

My girlfriend likes this tank in the room and stares at it when she wakes up. She thinks it looks like a nice ocean front beach, except with a fish mysteriously flying for some reason.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Added a few corals.


I also upgraded my lighting from the 24 watt PC fixture to the 70 watt fishneedit MH fixture.

I'll have to work with my camera to take pictures again. Before and after.




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  • 3 weeks later...

hows the heat with the 70w mh?

Are you using the fish need it bulb. what k?


Also how far up is the fixture from the water surface.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey, sorry for the delay in replies.

My laptop completely died and I didn't get a new one for near 3 weeks.


Anyways, I had taken a few closeups for Mr Microscope right away, but it took me til now to get them up.

To make matters worse, I forgot my image host username and password so I just made a new account. :lol:


Shiver, I'm using the Fishneedit 20k bulb. The light is about 8½ inches above the water level.

I personally do not find the heat to be an issue. Without any extra fans my tank never goes above 79 degrees. Compared to the room where my 10 gallon resides where the ambient air was 82 degrees 2 weeks ago, this light gives me no problems at all.


Picture time!

I could not get a good picture of the Blasto at all. Here's the best I could do.








And just because he likes to get in the way...


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from that pic it looks like the Blasto is Favia...

but very nice shot with the fish! :D iMax Damsel effects.

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Mr. Microscope

Thanks for the coral shots! Nice trumpets! Also, beautiful color on that damsel.


Sorry to hear about your computer BTW. Good update.

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I understand all about the computer problems. I just had to re-load my entire operating system doing a HD reformat along the way. Fortunately I had a separate HD that would hold everything and I caught it while I could still copy files to the "other" HD..............................









Still a pain in the rear.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

So due to changes in my other tank (being swapped into a 20 long), which is primarily going to be softie and LPS oriented, I have decided to move my trumpets and favia and kenya tree over to it and make this a predominantly SPS tank with a lower zoa garden.

This picture shows a transition phase. Still have to move a couple pieces over.




Also to note about my Halimeda - that stuff is the devil! I knew it would spread all over the place, but I was naive enough to think I could contain it. I did okay for a while, pulling pieces out from the front end of the display, but it gets taxing and I've slacked in my duties lately. I am split 50/50 now on either letting it run rampant and trimming it from where it resides about once a month, or pulling it all out entirely.

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